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Councillor Ian Plant
Councillor Adam Parkes
Councillor James Aberley
Councillor Charlotte Atkins
Councillor Philip Barks
Councillor Gary Bentley
Councillor Callum Beswick
Councillor Crecy Boone
Councillor Connor Brady
Councillor Bill Cawley
Councillor Andrew Church
Councillor Jo Cox
Councillor Mark Deaville
Councillor Marc Durose
Councillor Charlotte Edwards
Councillor Ben Emery
Councillor Elsie Fallows
Councillor Keith Flunder
Councillor Jim Garvey
Councillor Mike Gledhill
Councillor Mike Haines
Councillor Andrew Hart
Councillor Ian Herdman
Councillor Tony Holmes
Councillor Keith Hoptroff
Councillor Barbara Hughes
Councillor Pat Hughes
Councillor Alan Hulme
Councillor Christina Jebb
Councillor Mark Johnson
Councillor John Jones
Councillor Jonathan Kempster
Councillor Linda Malyon
Councillor Nigel Moult
Councillor Kate Mills
Councillor Vicky Wheeldon
Councillor Dylan Pascall
Councillor Oliver Pointon
Councillor Joe Porter
Councillor Darren Price
Councillor Dave Proudlove
Councillor Paul Roberts
Councillor Jill Salt
Councillor David Shaw
Councillor Charlie Smith
Councillor Matthew Spooner
Councillor Lyn Swindlehurst
Councillor Matt Swindlehurst
Councillor Gareth Taylor
Councillor Edwin Wain
Councillor Ross Ward
Councillor Liz Whitehouse
Councillor Peter Wilkinson
Councillor Chris Wood
Councillor Michael Worthington
Councillor Nigel Yates