Agenda item

Taxi Licensing Policy Review & Consultation


Licensing Authorities were required to regularly review and update their policies to reflect changes in legislation, guidance and local circumstances. It was 5 years since the introduction of the Council’s Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing Policy and a detailed review was now required to consider the following specific areas:-


·       Vehicle emissions / Air Quality;

·       CCTV;

·       General Legislation and Best Practice.


A proposed Timetable for the consultation was as follows:-




Vehicle Emissions/

CCTV in Vehicles (Mandatory or Discretionary) 







JUNE 2022  (12 Weeks)

The proposed options are contained in Appendices 1 & 2 attached to the report.

The consultation will seek to engage all of the Hackney Carriage and private hire trade including all licensed operators and drivers within the District as follows:

·       A questionnaire will be sent out to all Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Drivers and Vehicle owners  (Appendix 3 sample questionnaire)

·       Copies of consultation proposals be available to view on the Council’s website and a hard copy will be made available at the Reception in Moorlands House.

·       Correspondence will be sent out to all Hackney Carriage and Private Hire operators and drivers licensed with the Authority.

·       Several drop-in sessions will be scheduled to take place at Leek and Biddulph within the 12 week consultation period to accommodate representatives from the trade and other organisations to discuss any concerns or questions they may have about the proposed amendments.

·       The dates of the sessions will be included and advertised in the consultation information.


Consultation Responses



September/October 2022

·       Consultation responses received by the Council will be collated, discussed and presented to the Licensing & Regulatory Committee for consideration, and a decision to undertake further consultation or to recommend a revised Policy to Council for adoption may be taken.

Adoption of the revised policy

November to January 2023


It was noted that there were no drop in sessions in Cheadle. This would be rectified once a suitable venue could be secured.


Discussion took place around CCTV and it’s benefits to the safety of all parties. It was clarified that if CCTV was mandated in the policy, SMDC would become the Data Recorder. Caution was required to ensure that any CCTV coverage was not shared and, whilst each owner would be subject to ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) requirements, the Council needed to be able to manage the situation. The situation would be considered fully during the consultation and reported back to the Committee in Autumn 2022, including cost implications to the Council and owners. Most Licensing Authorities were following the same review process.


70% of the current 64 licenced vehicles did not comply with proposed emissions requirements. The review would therefore encourage owners to invest in newer engine designs in order to comply.



·       That the Committee APPROVE the key areas of the Policy for consultation and the consultation timetable as outlined in the report’ and

·       That, following the consultation period, the proposed revised Policy (together with a summary of key consultation comments) be considered further by the Committee at its meeting in October 2022, with a view to recommending a revised Policy to Full Council for formal adoption by the Council.

Supporting documents: