(Having declared interests Councillors Hart, Herdman and Johnson withdrew from the meeting at this point)
The report informed the Council of the Final Report of the Inspector regarding the Examination of the Staffordshire Moorlands Local Plan. It recommended the adoption of the Local Plan incorporating the Inspector’s recommended main modifications and the Council’s additional modifications and to delegate approval to the Executive Director (Place) for the preparation of the Policies Map and any further additional modifications to the Local Plan that relate to factual updates, grammatical and formatting corrections.
Councillors considered the report in detail and expressed their thanks to officers and residents for their contributions to the development of the Local Plan. Members underlined the importance of future considerations with regards to design quality and infrastructure development.
Members voted as follows:
Those voting FOR:
Councillors Aberley, Atkins, Bentley, Bond, Bowen, Brady, Cawley, Coleman, Davies, Deaville, Emery, Fallows, Flunder, Gledhill, Hall, Hawkins, Heath, Holmes, Hoptroff, Hughes, Hulme, Jackson, Jones, Malyon, Page, Plant, Plimley, Porter, Price, Ralphs, Riley, Roberts, Routledge, Salt, Scalise, Swindlehurst, Taylor, Wain, Ward, Whitehouse, Wilkinson, Worthington and Yates (43)
Those voting AGAINST:
Councillor Alcock.
There were no abstentions.
It was therefore RESOLVED:
1. That the Inspector’s report on the examination of the Local Plan and his recommended main modifications (Appendix 2, 3, 4, 5) be noted.
2. That the consultation feedback regarding the additional modifications be noted (Appendix 6) and the suggested Council responses (Appendix 7) be supported.
3. That the Sustainability Appraisal of the main modifications (Appendix 10) and the Equalities Impact Assessment of the Local Plan (Appendix 11) be noted.
4. That the Staffordshire Moorlands Local Plan (Appendix 1) with the main modifications recommended by the Inspector (Appendix 3, 4 & 5) and the revised additional modifications proposed by the Council (Appendix 8) to be incorporated be adopted.
5. That the proposed changes to the Policies Map in light of the main and additional modifications be noted.
6. That authority be delegated to the Executive Director (Place) to prepare the Policies Map to illustrate geographically the application of the policies in the adopted Local Plan.
7. That authority be delegated to the Executive Director (Place) to make further additional modifications to the Local Plan that relate to factual updates, grammatical and formatting corrections as required.
Supporting documents: