Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Sarah Beech - Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
Recording Announcement Minutes: The Chair confirmed that the meeting was being broadcast live to the internet via the Council’s website and was capaable of repeated viewing. The images and sound recording may be used for training purposes within the Council. All were asked to keep to the speaking guidelines which were outlined. Any views expressed by any speakers in the meeting are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily reflect the view of High Peak Borough Council. |
Declarations of Interest 1. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 2. ‘Other’ Interests Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: RESOLVED:
Draft Annual Report - Gillian Wright Minutes: Members received a verbal presentation which highlighted the key aims for the borough. The Climate Change plan focussed on operations and a further seven broad themes for the borough. These were measured as the way we; live, travel, work, make energy, look after our environment, manage waste and help change occur.
Members welcomed the report and discussed the salary sacrifice provider for EV’s, the EV charging strategy for the borough and the bus network. Considerations were given to the role that transport groups and links to D.C.C had with regards to public and sustainable transport. The transfer of responsibility for public transport to the East Midlands Mayoral Combined Authority could offer some opportunity to lobby for improved bus services.
Members suggested a working group to focus on this.
RESOLVED: That the draft report be noted. |
Plan for Nature Consultation - Katie Hampton Minutes: Members received an update on the Plan for Nature public consultation which was now live and will run until August 19th. Officers provided a history of who the stakeholders were and a summary of what the consultation was. Members were advised the purpose was to gather feedback before finalising the Plan for Nature. The consultation The consultation includes an online survey available here: Members were made aware that hard copies of the plan and survey are also available from Buxton Town Hall and Glossop Town Hall. Members were encouraged to share details of the consultation with interested stakeholders in their wards.
Members discussed funding streams for projects, engagement with parks staff and AES, making nature reserves favourable, working with Parish and Town councils and training.
UK Climate Scorecards - Gillian Wright Minutes: Members were introduced to the Council Climate Score Cards which is an internet based national scoring system. They were advised how the scoring was calculated and how the data was correlated. Members discussed any flaws in the data, how to use the information and choosing which priorities to focus on.
RESOLVED: · That the verbal presentation be noted. · That the Action for Climate Change Officer would circulate the scorecard to heads of service for comment and liaise with the Biodiversity Officer to look at the methodology for 2025.
AES update - Cllr Jean Todd Minutes: Members received a verbal update which covered the following topics; · Fleet Decarbonisation · Public Open/Green Space Management · Waste Minimisation & Education · Simpler Recycling · Depots · AES Carbon Neutrality Aspiritations Summary
Targets review (discussion) - David Smith Minutes: Members received notice that the Council’s target for net zero emissions is by 2030 for both operations and the borough. Consideration should be given to revising these in light of external legislation and the Council’s sphere of influence. Working with the assets team would be a huge factor in the success. Members were further advised of the legislation changes post 2030 which will drive reduction in emissions 2030 and the Peak Cluster Project which would be presented later this year.
RESOLVED: That the review be noted. |