Venue: Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Sarah Beech Democratic Services Officer Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest 1. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 2. ‘Other’ Interests Minutes: None |
Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 5 December 2023 be approved as a correct record.
Mayoral Combined Authority Funding for Social Housing (Andy Gerrish) Minutes: Andy Gerrish gave members a presentation of the Mayoral Combined Authority Funding for Social Housing (copy attached) covering the following;
Why are we doing this? Where does it all start? What is PAS 2035? Fee Schedule Ensuring residents are central to the process – 5 stages; Community engagement, Retrofit assessments, PIBI surveys, Undertaking the works, Handover and Completion.
The project aims to improve the energy performance of 43 properties with a funding pot of £580k. This will initially focus on two streets in New Mills but widen out if more participants are sought.
Discussions centred around the energy efficiency enhancements to homes, timeframes for commencing, the procedures that would be followed, concerns over lack of engagement, how properties were selected, disruption to households during works, expiration date of funds, how councillors can support, future updates, the positive impact on homes and residents.
Suggestions were made to support the community engagement day which included councillor support, Marches Energy Agency and benefits team being in attendance.
RESOLVED: 1. That Andy Gerrish be thanked for his presentation, which was noted;
2. That updates be provided to the Working Group on the progress of the installations and roll out of the scheme.
Refill Proposal (Verbal Update) Minutes: Gillian Wright gave a verbal summary of the Refill Proposal, which is a behaviour change campaign to help people live with less waste.
Topics covered included; what is refill? an app with an impact, our impact, refill for local authorities, what is involved, High Peak figures, new and enhanced support for public sector schemes, costs, reporting and data insight, team impact, training and resources.
Discussions centred around how to engage with businesses, Transition Buxton (plastic free status), business newsletter, environmental health, regeneration team, events and the use of social media.
That the update be noted. |
Voluntary Adaptation Reporting Project with DEFRA (Verbal Update) Minutes: Gillian Wright provided members with a verbal update on the voluntary Adaptation Reporting Project with DEFRA which is a pilot scheme for LA’s to join.
Members were briefed on the topics it would cover, including, weather patterns and the impact on communities, services, risk planning, how to be prepared, how this fits with local plan development and to build an understanding of impacts. Discussions centred around resources and prioritising where the most impact would be. It was noted that the first report is due in December 2024.
That the update be noted. |
Climate Change Annual Report Minutes: Gillian Wright provided members with a verbal summary of the Climate Change Annual report (copy attached).
The report covers the Corporate Plan, The Climate Change Plan, Operational Carbon Footprint, The Way We Live, The Way We Travel, The Way We Work, The Way We Make Energy and The Way We Manage Waste.
Discussions covered timelines for the plan for nature and support for the consultations by external bodies.
Some slight amendments were required to the plan including the amendment of the date concerning bio-diversity net gain, to read “January 2024”.
That, subject to amendment, the Climate Change Annual Report be approved for submission to the Executive. |
Bio-Diversity Workshop (Verbal Update) Minutes: Gillian Wright gave members a verbal update on the inaugural Biodiversity workshop which brought together officers across service who all have roles relating to biodiversity. This is with a view to work more collaboratively and improve outputs along with support delivery the Plan for Nature and respond to new biodiversity duties.
Discussions concerned which department areas officers are located, support for each other to work better together, clear lines of programmes and the structure to oversee reporting. The importance of input from farming communities and requirement for an outward facing group, group without trying to triplicate the County level groups, engaging the community, input from County level, connection between HP housing and bio-diversity, use of a culture model and consideration of stake holders. Plan for nature timescales and how we govern the programme going forward.
1. That the update be noted;
2. That the Working Group be invited to submit any feedback to officers direct. |