Venue: The Dove Room, Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek. View directions
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
Notification of Substitute Members, if any Minutes: Councillor Barks was substitute member for Councillor Brady. |
Declarations of Interest · Disclosable Pecuniary Interests · Other Interests
Minutes: Councillor Durose declared a nonpecuniary interest, in that he worked for Severn Trent Water.
To Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 16 January 2024 be approved. |
Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme update - Gareth Knapper, Senior Strategy & Partnerships Lead Minutes: The Group received an update from the Officer, in relation to the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS), and current project at Biddulph Valley Leisure Centre. The aim of the scheme is to reduce carbon footprint, reduce running costs and make buildings sustainable for the future.
The Officer spoke about issues experienced with the Distribution Network Operator, and the level of permissions and upgrade works required to be able to connect to the grid. The Officer stated that time frames have been significantly delayed due to these issues, however, despite this, and additional associated costs, that the project is still within budget. The Officer stated that a realistic timescale for completion of these works is towards the end of 2024.
Drone footage was presented to the Group showing the installation of the air source heat pump (ASHP) at the site, and of the solar panels installed on the roof.
The Officer stated that the ASHP building management system will be set up specifically for the centre’s requirements, to achieve maximum efficiency and savings.
The Officer advised the Group that PSDS funding was applied for in November 2023, for an additional project at Brough Park Leisure Centre, the result of which is being awaited.
The opportunity to include installation of EV Charging Points at the site was discussed by the Group.
1. The Working Group noted the update 2. For the Senior Strategy & Partnerships Lead to report back to the Group regarding any potential surplus energy data, at a future date.
Active Travel update - Gareth Knapper, Senior Strategy & Partnerships Lead Minutes: The Officer gave a verbal update on Active Travel. The Officer stated that the project is closely linked to the Green Spaces and Move More Projects.
The Officer advised the Group that Active Travel cuts across several service areas and has many benefits, encouraging people to walk/cycle (instead of using their car), especially for those shorter journeys. To enable promotion of Active Travel, footways and pathways require improvement, mainly within parks and open spaces, to enable effective use as shortcuts/walkthroughs. This will have an impact on improving health and wellbeing, as well as climate change and improving air quality.
The Officer stated that his Team will be carrying out consultation work within the District’s three main towns to identify suitable footpaths and walkways for improvement, as well as working alongside other agencies, for example, Staffordshire County Council and other internal service areas.
The aim of the consultation will be to find out where people want to travel from/to; if the route is well used; and if SMDC has landownership rights/permissions to enable any improvements.
Discussions took place between the Officer and members regarding various footpaths and walkways within the area.
1. The Working Group noted the update. 2. For the Officer to include consultation with Parish Councils regarding suggested footpaths/walkways for improvement. 3. For members to contact the Officer regarding any specific ideas/locations for improvement, and to disseminate information within their parishes and wards. |