Venue: The Dove Room, Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek. View directions
Contact: Kerry Cummings Email:
No. | Item |
Notification of substitute members, if any Minutes: Councillor Roberts was substitute member for Councillor Durose, and Councillor Emery was substitute member for Councillor Porter. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor Johnson declared an interest in that he was ‘Nature in Your Neighbourhood’ Project Lead for Moorlands Climate Action Group.
Councillor Hoptroff also declared that he was an active member of Moorlands Climate Action Group. |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting PDF 207 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 7 August 2024 be approved. |
Nature Recovery Strategy Update - Katie Hampton Minutes: The Biodiversity Officer gave the Group an update around the Staffordshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS). The strategies are being developed by 48 responsible authorities across the country, with Staffordshire County Council (SCC) leading on the Staffordshire LNRS. The Officer advised that the Plan for Nature also feeds into this process.
Officers advised that SMDC is working with SCC as a ‘supporting authority’ in the development of the LNRS.
Other matters discussed included involvement of utilities and farming; review of the Local Area Plan and planning matters; and enforcement.
RESOLVED: That the update be noted with thanks. |
Nature in Your Neighbourhood - Staffordshire Wildlife Trust PDF 4 MB Minutes: The Staffordshire Wildlife Trust (SWT) Officer delivered a presentation to the Group in relation to Nature in Your Neighbourhood. The Officer advised that the project was a five year innovative community led project which began in 2024; and would support communities in the Staffordshire Moorlands to restore green spaces that were important to them, whilst also measuring the impacts these changes had on biodiversity and climate mitigation.
Current Nature in Your Neighbourhood partners: · SWT · Moorlands Climate Action · Keele University · OUTSIDE Arts · Staffordshire Moorlands DC · Staffordshire County Council Voluntary Youth Services
Officers advised that the project was about developing toolkits to be used by operatives on site; and that SWT was making survey packs for community groups available via their website
RESOLVED: That the presentation be noted with thanks.
Staffordshire Moorlands Plan for Nature Next Steps - Katie Hampton PDF 564 KB Minutes: The Biodiversity Officer provided the Group with a presentation in relation to the Plan for Nature. The presentation included information regarding the background to the Plan; Targets; Monitoring and reporting; Next Steps; and Biodiversity Net Gain.
It was explained that the vision, by 2030, was that 30% of all land in the Staffordshire Moorlands would be protected and managed for nature.
Members discussed collaboration with the Planning Service to ensure that biodiversity priorities are taken into account within their processes.
It was suggested by members that data from previous public consultations be accessed to avoid repetition.
Discussions were held around refining what is achievable to support nature recovery across the District; and choosing sites that are going to work and really make a difference.
Members suggested that it would be important to work with Parish Councils to achieve a good level of public engagement with initiatives.
RESOLVED: 1. That the presentation be noted with thanks. 2. Officers to collaborate with the Planning Service to ensure that biodiversity priorities are considered. 3. Data relating to previous public consultations to be accessed by officers to avoid repetition. 4. Officers to work with Parish Councils to achieve good public engagement with initiatives.
Biodiversity Training for Members - Katie Hampton Minutes: The Biodiversity Officer advised members regarding the Supply Chain Sustainability School free interactive online module ‘Introduction to Biodiversity’, which takes approximately one hour to complete.
Members were advised that information would be circulated regarding how to register and access the training; and that completion of the training would be followed up at the next meeting of the Group.
RESOLVED: 1. That the update be noted with thanks. 2. Information regarding accessing the ‘Introduction to Biodiversity’ training to be circulated to members, and followed up at the next meeting of the Group.