Agenda and minutes

Climate Change Working Group (SMDC) - Wednesday, 12th June, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Virtual Meeting. View directions

Contact: Email: 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


Cllr Johnson, Chair, declared an interest in that he is an active member of Moorlands Climate Action, and has recently received a small amount of monies for duties carried out relating to communications and administrative functions.


Cllr Barks and Cllr Hoptroff also declared that they are members of Moorlands Climate Action Group.


To Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 197 KB



That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 24 April 2024 be approved.


Shared Prosperity Energy Engagement - Verbal Update - Gillian Wright


The group received an update from the Officer, who advised the group that SMDC has received funding from Shared Prosperity to be utilised with a focus on Cost of Living and fuel poverty, but also linked to climate change and reducing domestic energy consumption.  The Officer talked about targets and achievable outputs of the scheme, to be met by March 2025.


As part of the scheme the Council will be working with Beat the Cold who will deal with energy advice call handling and home visits; and have good links with installation providers. 


A project officer will be appointed to the scheme to attend events.  The Officer advised the group that if they had any upcoming events, surgeries etc, that an officer could attend to provide energy advice.  A pack will also be available to hand out including small measures that can be self-installed to lower energy bills.  It is hoped that those in need of assistance can be identified and included in future funding programmes as they emerge.


It is envisaged that authorisation for the project will be granted imminently, and will then be rolled out soon afterwards.


The Officer advised the group that applications are currently open for a Domestic Energy Officer post.  The successful candidate will work across the Alliance to manage programmes and contracts; identify gaps; work on engagements and communications; seek opportunities and develop partnerships.


The Officer also advised the group that there is a one-off fund available of £15,000, available to a minimum of three community groups.  The application process will run from post-election until September 2024, and be administered by Support Staffordshire.  The group was asked to consider criteria for judging and awarding the funding.


Further discussions were held regarding match funding; energy efficiency of new developments; and energy awareness advice/training for community groups and individuals available via Beat the Cold.



1.    That the update be noted with thanks.

2.    That the group consider criteria for judging and awarding the one-off community group funding.









Community Fund - Verbal Update - Gillian Wright


The Climate Change and Nature Fund will be relaunched post-election, and the fund has increased from £500 to £600.  Community groups can apply once to each round of funding, however, each application needs to be for a different project, or phase of a project.


The Officer advised that the application process is simple, and Support Staffordshire will help people to complete their application if required.


Records are maintained of successful applications for each round.  The Officer agreed to share this information once applications are complete.



1.    That the update be noted with thanks.

2.    That the Climate Change Officer share records of successful applications with members, following each round of funding.



AES Waste Engagement Initiatives - AES Community Engagement Officers pdf icon PDF 9 MB


The group received a presentation from the AES Officer, who talked about engagement works carried out in schools and within the community.


The Officer invited referrals from members for any requests for visits to schools, and advised that the link for school bookings is available via the Alliance Environmental Services website at


The Officer advised that members and the public can sign up to the Pick-Fit scheme via the SMDC website at, and a Pick-Fit pack starter pack will be supplied.  Members also requested a supply of Pick-Fit bags be made available to them at Moorlands House.


Discussions were also held regarding recycling bins in town centres etc; smart bins; litter picking/recycling after community events; SMDC recycling rates; and recycling of soft plastics.



1.    That the presentation be noted with thanks.

2.    That members were made aware of the schools booking system available via the AES website, and invited to make any referrals as required.

3.    That the AES Officer makes a supply of Pick-Fit bags available to members at Moorlands House.


Staffordshire County Council Waste initiatives - Gemma Wall, Waste Minimisation Project Support Officer pdf icon PDF 10 MB


The group received a presentation from the Staffordshire County Council (SCC) Officer, who started in her current role in September 2023.  The Officer advised that she initially visited all the recycling sites throughout the County, and spent time looking at what items were received at the sites, talking to staff, reviewing all the data, and then devised new schemes and ideas, as detailed in the presentation.


The Officer advised the group that the TechCycle scheme, which was launched at the end of 2023, looks at any technology items taken to the recycling centres, e.g. laptops and tablets, to ascertain if the items are repairable.  The scheme involves two charities.  For items that are repairable, one of the charities carries out the repairs, and then makes them available to organisations such as hospital children’s wards, Brownie/Guide Groups etc.  For any items that are not repairable, these go to a second charity who thoroughly break down the equipment.  Over 5000 non repairable items have been recycled since the scheme started.


The Officer informed the group that the MediCycle scheme relates to any medical equipment, for example crutches, walkers and wheelchairs.  A partnership is in place with a charity who support carers - they take the equipment and carry out any necessary repairs/sterilisation and then gift or sell items to those who need them.  Any funds that are raised are used to support carers in the community, for example hospice care, grants, community days for carers.


The Officer advised that at each recycling site there is a charity reuse container, where people can drop off any items.  Any items that cannot be made use of by the main collecting charity, are offered to community groups and other charities.


The Officer requested members to follow the ‘Waste Savvy Staffordshire’ Facebook page, to follow information relating to the different schemes and see posts regarding upcoming events in the County.  Members were invited to forward any relevant information to the page for sharing.


The Officer advised the group that the Community Re-Paint Scheme will be available to residents and community groups at Fowlchurch Recycling Centre on 17 June.


Members asked the Officer what future action was planned for the Staffordshire Moorlands.  The Officer stated that Stafford and Cannock have been the main focus so far, however, connections are being made in Leek and Biddulph and it is hoped that more work will be carried out in the north of the County going forward.


Members highlighted that the planned rebuild of Leek Household Waste Recycling Centre may offer opportunities for changing public awareness regarding waste and recycling.   Members also suggested that opportunities should be explored for mini-recycling sites in other public spaces, such as car parks. 


The group discussed the DataFlow system, which provides data relating to processing of waste and recyclables.  Members requested that a summary of data is produced on a regular basis in future.  The SCC Officer advised the group that she will review the information which is provided to SMDC and endeavour to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 35.


Community Group Repair Café - Moorlands Climate Action, Mike Jones pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The group received a presentation from the Chair of Moorlands Climate Action (MCA).  Topics discussed were waste; plastic bottles; fast fashion; and MCA projects – current and future.


The MCA Chair informed the group that they were very pleased to have won the ‘Make a Difference’ Award from Radio Stoke last year, which was partly in relation to the work done on Repair Cafes.


It was explained to the group that the Repair Cafes’ ethos is very much refurbish/repair/repurpose, in addition to delivering community cohesion by allowing volunteers to use their skills to help people.  MCA is looking to encourage behaviour change through their events. 


The group was informed that there are 11 Repair Cafes per year, held on a monthly basis (except for December) at locations such as Haregate Community Centre, Leek and The Foxlowe, Leek.  This is a very popular scheme with people visiting from all over the County.  Upcoming Repair Café events are to be held in Haregate on 20 July and Warslow on 17 August (further details available via the Moorlands Climate Action website).


Members welcomed the Repair Café Initiative.



That the presentation be noted with thanks.