Agenda and minutes

Climate Change Working Group (SMDC) - Tuesday, 16th January, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Virtual Meeting. View directions

Note: Please note that as this meeting is being held online due to advserse weather conditions, a recording will be uploaded to the website. 

No. Item


Notification of Substitute members, if any


Councillor Pascall was substitute member for Councillor Boone.



Declarations of Interest

·         Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

·         Other Interests



No interests were declared.


To Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 202 KB




1.     That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 13th December 2023 be approved.

2.     That progress against the Action Tracker be updated to the group at each meeting.

3.     That Climate Fund monies were confirmed as secured.



Your Housing Group - Martin Lee, Energy & Sustainability Manager


The Group received an update from the Your Housing Group (YHG) Officer in relation to the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) and the Your Housing Group (YHG) Retrofit Programme.


The YHG officer provided the following information in relation to the Staffordshire Moorlands area:


·         Prior to March 2024, YHG had programmed in for 400 relatively well performing properties, which do not require a full retrofit, to receive an investment of £200,000.  Properties will receive low cost, high impact improvements, for example, loft insulation and heating controls.

·         YHG had reviewed the energy efficiency of 27 bungalows suffering from damp and mould issues, and prior to March 2024, these properties will receive upgrades including new windows, radiators, cavity wall insulation etc.

·         The Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund and its accompanying requirements (PAS 2035) have proved challenging to deliver with tenants reluctant to take up the measures due to disruption.

·         There are approximately 1300 properties which have been identified as requiring a higher level of retrofit.  More information on timescales for Wave 3 and YHG participation will be available once the YHG Policy is published (expected late 2025).


Members highlighted the potential for use of local suppliers and traders for future YHG projects in the Staffordshire Moorlands area, to link with the aims of the Authority.  The YHG Officer stated that he will speak with the YHG Procurement Team, and invited further conversations with members regarding this matter.


Biodiversity and ecology of land associated with YHG properties was discussed.  The YHG Officer advised the group that he would be very open to working with local community projects with regards to grass verges etc, and invited further discussion from members.  The YHG Officer provided the YHG Environmental, Social and Governance ESG Report 2023.


Members also discussed resident engagement; Social Value; swift bricks and boxes; and an holistic approach when visiting properties to provide a linked-up service between YHG and SMDC.


The Group were aware that investment frameworks currently available to YHG did not match that required to meet SMDC targets in the Climate Action Plan.




1.    The Working Group noted the update;

2.    For members to contact Martin Lee directly to report specific issues such as damp and mould, and any other individual matters members may have.



Low Emission Vehicle Infrastructure - Marc Stanway, Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Delivery Manager, SCC pdf icon PDF 4 MB


The Group received a presentation from the Staffordshire County Council Officer, which included the following items: -


·         EV Introduction – a link to the EST website was shared with members after the meeting to enable registration for ‘EV Webinars for Councillors’. 

·         National Updates

·         Staffordshire Updates

·         Infrastructure & Funding

·         LEVI (Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Funding)

·         ORCS (On-Street Residential Charging Scheme)


The Officer stated there was lots of work and engagement underway with National Grid and neighbouring authorities to address any grid capacity issues.


The Group discussed the complexities of installing EV charging points.  The Officer advised that due to this being new technology and the first time that it had been done, and all authorities procuring at the same time, that there may inevitably be some delays in the roll out of the programme.  However, stated that the Department of Transport was eager for as little slippage as possible.  Members highlighted the relatively scarce number of sites identified within the Staffordshire Moorlands.  It was explained that installation would be based on where supply was available first and population density, and the Officer invited discussion from members regarding any suggested sites.  The project would be delivered over a 3-4 year period. 


Members also discussed EV charging within rural areas; potential for charging ‘hubs’ within community areas; and staff charging.




1.    The Working Group noted the update;

2.    For members to contact Marc Stanway for further information and discussion regarding specific matters raised during the meeting.