Venue: Dove Room, Moorlands House, Leek
No. | Item |
Notification of Substitute Members, if any. Minutes: Councillor Parkes was substitute member for Councillor Brady. |
Declarations of Interest:- · Disclosable Pecuniary Interests · Other Interests
Minutes: No declarations of interest were received. |
To Approve the Minutes of the the Previous Meeting. PDF 203 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting be approved, subject to, the inclusion of an item on agriculture (farmers). |
Approval of Draft Terms of Reference. PDF 254 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: The Terms of Reference document was agreed by the Group, subject to, an amendment to point 7 as follows:
The Group will provide oversight of the collaborative working across the Council and engagement with individuals, community groups, businesses, and other partners in the district, including young people who should have a voice to help shape our future. |
Approval of Draft Work Programme. PDF 142 KB Minutes: Members discussed the possibility of a public engagement event with Peak Cluster in January or February 2024, attendance by representatives to a meeting of the Working Group and a member site visit to Lafarge.
Officers would finalise these arrangements and members of the Group updated accordingly.
RESOLVED: That the draft work programme be agreed. |
Special Topic - Domestic Energy Use (Presentation by Gillian Wright, SMDC Climate Change Officer). Minutes: The Group received a presentation which covered the following topics:-
· Staffordshire Moorlands Housing · What to think about · Privately owned/rented properties · Social Housing · Housing Funding – Full House Refit · Great British Insulation Scheme ECO 4+ · Social Housing Decarbonisation Scheme · Home Upgrade Grant 2 · Indices of Multiple Deprivation 1-3 (Eligible for HUG2 if no mains gas regardless of home income) · Off Mains Gas Heating · Funding Delivery (March 2023) · Shared Prosperity Fund (Pros and Cons) · Annual Climate Change Report Suggestions · Performance Indicators · Related Work Strands · Targeting · Where are we going? Members debated the need to conserve energy by insulation and to keep properties warm with less of a carbon footprint. There was some concern in relation to the take up of the Staffordshire Warmer Homes fund and how this could be promoted more widely to residents.
Detailed discussion took place around EPC ratings and the provision of funding to encourage private landlords to make improvements to their properties.
In response to the Portfolio Holder’s request for the Group’s suggestions of the spend of UKSPF funding, the following recommendations were made:
· Steer part of the revenue element of the budget to Beat the Cold to increase the capacity of the organisation to drive take up. · Capital element of the budget targeted towards a place based solution in selected areas · Funding to be directed to [identified need - appropriate target could be] those with in receipt of £150 Warmer Home Discount and living in a property with an EPC rating less then ‘C’ · UKSPF to only be used if the occupier of the property does not qualify for any other energy support grants · Take into account the needs of customers that are willing to pay towards making energy efficiency measures in their homes [in overall measures, not necessarily UKSPF]
1) That the presentation be noted and circulated to members; 2) For the Climate Change Officer to provide the percentage of privately rented properties in the district; 3) Invite Mike Towers – Principal Environmental Health Officer, to a meeting in relation to housing standards, houses in multiple occupancy and a private landlord register; 4) Invite Martin Lee - Energy & Sustainability Manager, Your Housing Group to a meeting of the Group; 5) Invite Beat the Cold to a meeting in relation to their capacity to deliver their services. |
Review of the 'Way We Live' (Section 1 of Part 2 of Climate Action Plan pages 25-28). PDF 2 MB Minutes: Members of the Group reviewed the targets on pages 25 -28 of the Climate Change Action Plan.
RESOLVED: For the Chair to liaise with the Climate Change Officer after the meeting, in terms of any suggestions to the targets contained within the Action Plan. |