Venue: The Council Chamber, Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek. View directions
Contact: Sally Hampton, Democratic Services Officer. Tel. 01538 395429 Email:
No. | Item | |||||||
Notification of Substitute Members, if any. Minutes: Councillor Pascall was substitute member for Councillor L Swindlehurst. |
Declarations of Interest:- · Disclosable Pecuniary Interests · Other Interests Minutes:
To Approve the Minutes from the Previous Meeting. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 13 March 2024, be approved as a correct record. |
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the last meeting of the SCC Health & Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee be noted. |
Feedback from the Chair on the SCC Health & Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee. Minutes: The Chair updated members on the items considered at the last meeting of the SCC Health and Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee which included; Staffordshire’s Joint All-age Carers Strategy and an Adult Social Care Enhanced Assurance Working Group.
The next meeting was scheduled to take place on 17 July 2024 at which the Committee would scrutinise the Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) Strategy. Members were asked to notify the Chair of matters they wished him to raise at this meeting.
The Chair was requested to establish the reasons for the recent critical incident at Royal Stoke Hospital.
Minutes: The Chair requested that the WMAS was included as a standing item listed as part of the update from the SCC Health & Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Other items suggested included; dentistry and maternity services for which PAPER Analysis forms should be completed and members were reminded of the Code of Joint Working with Staffordshire County Council.
RESOLVED: That the Work Programme be noted. |
Overview of Mental Health Services. (Please note this item is for information purposes in accordance with the Code of Joint Working with SCC.) Minutes: At the request of the Committee, members received a presentation on the provision of mental health services which covered the following topics:-
- An overview of North Staffordshire Combined Health Care NHS Trust - Access to Services - Preventative to Acute Support - Primary Care: 5 Practitioners - Talking Therapies - Mental Health Support Teams in Schools - Community Services Data and Trends - Voluntary Community Services in the area - Wellbeing College - Farming Communities and Suicide Prevention - The Future
Members thanked the Officers for an informative presentation and had the opportunity to ask questions and make comments.
Discussion took place around the average waiting times for appointments, a lack of mental health support for school children and the importance of preventative work in schools. Members were advised that a Schools Co-ordinator had been appointed and services could also be accessed via Action for Children.
A member of the Committee requested details of the alternative mental health services provided since they were no longer available at Kniveden and commented on the difficulties with transport to access services out of the area.
Suggestions were made around engagement with farming and rural communities and the organisation was complimented on the low level mental health provision in the Moorlands.
In response to a query around mental health services for the period between child to adulthood, it was acknowledged that there was a gap and work was ongoing with the County Council and key workers.
Discussion took place in relation to the support services for veterans and the positive feedback from the North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare staff survey in terms of their health and wellbeing.
A request was made for a document that outlined how residents could access mental services which would be looked into, however, members were advised that as the services were always evolving, the Wellbeing Portal was the most suitable place to signpost residents.
The Officers offered to attend a future meeting to set out the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment in regards to autism.
RESOLVED: 1) That the presentation be received; 2) For the data on the average waiting time for children being referred to receiving an appointment to be supplied; 3) For details of the alternative provision of services since the closure of Kniveden be provided to the Committee. |
Update on Health Inequalities Funding Application. Minutes: The role of the Environmental Health section was explained to members with a focus on the work undertaken and new initiatives in relation to damp and mould. This included a new member of staff dedicated to damp and mould issues, cleaning kits and the purchase of new equipment.
Members debated the costs of the equipment and were advised that the equipment could be utilised by other service areas and external funding had been secured to cover these costs.
Consideration was given to a presentation that provided an update on the Health Inequalities Funding and Move More Staffordshire Moorlands. Subject areas included; an overview, example resources, a video of the Good Boost and Escape Pain programme, place-based work and children and young people.
There was some concern in relation to the closure of Brough Park Leisure Centre whilst the works were being undertaken and engagement with both staff and customers. The importance of customers remaining engaged with physical/social activity and returning to use the leisure centre when re-opened was emphasised.
The Committee was advised, that once the plans had received Cabinet approval, formal engagement would take place and it was acknowledged that there would be some disruption whilst the facility was closed. An alternative programme of activities which included some additional activities had been organized at other venues in the area and clubs and swimming lesson participants had been signposted to alternative leisure centres.
Going forward, it was hoped that activities would be available in the rural areas.
RESOLVED: That update be received and comments noted. |