Venue: The Dove Room, Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek. View directions
Contact: Sally Hampton, Democratic Services Officer. Tel. 01538 395429 Email:
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
Notification of Substitute Members, if any. Additional documents: Minutes: There were none.
Declarations of Interests: · Disclosable Pecuniary Interests · Other Interests
Additional documents: Minutes: No interests were declared. |
To Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes from the meeting held on 10 July 2024, be approved as a correct record. |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes from the meeting held on 29 July 2024, be noted. |
Feedback from the Chair on the SCC Health & Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee. - Update on the performance of the West Midlands Ambulance Service Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair updated members on the items considered at the last meeting of the SCC Health and Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which included a performance update from West Midlands Ambulance Service. The Committee supported the WMAS proposal for an independent review.
A member of the Committee reported that a low percentage of patients were transported by ambulance to hospitals as there was a reliance on local community services.
Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Integrated Care Board had arranged a public event in Leek to discuss new urgent treatment centres. Members requested clarification of the timings and location of the event as it was at capacity and the venue may have changed. The Chair and Councillor Atkins were planning to attend the event and wished to have places reserved.
RESOLVED: For the Democratic Services Team to contact the ICB to clarify the position in relation to the Urgent Treatment Centre event. |
Additional documents: Minutes:
A member of the Committee highlighted the issued faced in terms of personal safety due to threats received from members of the public and enquired about support that could be provided to councillors.
It was also mentioned that members had noticed an increase in insightful information on social media platforms which was also of concern.
1) That the Work Programme be approved, subject to the Committee being kept up to date on the new urgent treatment centres and Leek Moorlands Hospital;
2) For the safety and wellbeing of councillors to be looked into and HR contacted.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to a presentation which was a follow-up to the one received in December 2023. Topics covered included:-
- An overview of Better Health Staffordshire - Goals and Benefits - Overweight (including obesity) prevalence in adults (18+years) - Childhood Prevalence of Excess Weight 2022/23 - Response to the Challenge - Better Health: Staffordshire Moorlands - Future Plans
Discussion took place around food banks, school food and the stigma associated with the use of the service and free school meals.
In terms of engagement with schools, the Officer advised that all schools in Staffordshire would receive a food survey. The County Council was looking at the provision and cost of school lunches in other areas of the country.
It was noted that a free fruit and vegetable initiative offered to everyone at Biddulph Youth and Community Zone was a success. It was important to focus the resources in the correct places and to expand services in the areas that required support.
The availability of fast food, issues with anorexia, lack of school cooking lessons, generational changes and national planning policy reforms were debated.
The role the Council had to encourage healthy lifestyles in conjunction with partners was referred to and the Officer was thanked for attending the meeting.
RESOLVED: That the presentation be received. |
Update on the Health Inequalities Funding Application. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Environmental Health gave a presentation on a Damp and Mould campaign. Subject areas included, an overview, common hazards found when visiting properties, current and completed cases of damp and mould and photographic evidence of findings.
The Officer gave assurance that welfare checks were made as part of a visit to properties and a newsletter was produced for vulnerable and disabled people in relation to disabled facilities grants.
The Council would investigate reports of damp and mould at privately rented properties but should councillors have concerns in relation to housing association properties, these could be referred to the Environmental Health Team.
A councillor referred to a specific case in her Ward and advice was provided around how the Council could assist.
As part of the Health Inequalities Funding application, members received a presentation in relation to the Move More Staffordshire Moorlands Strategy which included:- - An overview and update - Example resources - Website development - An update on place-based work - Better Health update - Children and young people
Members were advised that a Community Engagement Lead Officer had recently been appointed, she had started to meet various organisations and provided support and funding advice.
The Committee would receive feedback from the Child and Young People survey.
In response to a query in relation to engagement with those that were unaware of the Move More Strategy or didn’t have access to the internet, the Officer explained that hard copy documents were available and a calling card was currently been devised which could be available at GP surgeries etc. It was suggested that an A4 poster would be beneficial to be displayed in doctors surgeries and libraries.
The Team was thanked for the excellent work carried out.
RESOLVED: That the presentations be received and comments noted.