Venue: The Council Chamber, Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek. View directions
No. | Item | ||||||
Notification of Substitute Members, if any. Minutes: The following substitutions were made:-
Councillor Spooner for Councillor Boone Councillor Johnson for Councillor Salt Councillor Durose for Councillor Flunder
Declarations of Interest: · Disclosable Pecuniary Interests · Other Interests
To Approve the Minutes from the Previous Meeting. PDF 225 KB Minutes: Councillor Atkins advised she could not recall receiving information relating to the Drug and Alcohol Services in Leek.
RESOLVED: 1) The minutes of the previous meeting held on 6 December 2023 be approved. 2) That Officers forward the requested information to Councillor Atkins.
Feedback from the Chair on the Staffordshire County Council Health & Care Overview & Scrutiny Committe. Minutes: Members were advised that the Committee had received a report on dentistry and felt that more in depth scrutiny was required by the County Council on this topic.
Discussions were held on the lack of granular information, the priority of dentistry, impact on children and their overall health and the inclusion of specific data relating to local areas for county wide reporting.
Concerns were raised in relation to mental health provision in the area, particularly around services for young people.
It was noted that action was being taken relating to defibrillators at the West Midlands Ambulance Service.
RESOLVED: That the feedback be noted. |
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes be noted. |
Minutes: The following items were suggested by members as future items for the work programme:-
- Regular updates from the Chair on the West Midlands Ambulance Service - Dentistry and Diet within Schools - Mental Health Overview - Domiciliary Care Services - Dementia Care
The Chair advised that following a recent site visit organised by the County Council, an Officer from the Harplands Hospital had offered to attend a future meeting.
RESOLVED: 1) That the Work Programme be noted; 2) That members complete and submit a paper analysis for items requested for inclusion on the work programme.
Cost of Living Update. Minutes: Members received a verbal update from Officers which advised of the multi-agency response to the cost of living crisis. They were advised on the role of SMDC to signpost residents and how to access services.
Members were advised that a number of agencies were overwhelmed by the number of people contacting them for support and the difficulties they faced in meeting demand.
It was noted what actions had taken place to ensure residents were supported which included; emergency funding, communication and information sharing, facilitating access to services, the response to the energy crisis (setting up of the fuel bank) and the quest to support those in crisis back to stability.
Members received information concerning an event between agencies at SMDC on Friday 15th March 2024. The purpose of the event was to establish the services all agencies had to offer, how they support residents and how residents could be signposted to each service.
RESOLVED: 1) That the update be received and noted; 2) That a further update be provided in 6 months; 3) For the Communities and Climate Change Team to provide the latest information on the level of service provided by Beat the Cold to members of the Committee.
Update on Health Inequalities Funding Application. Minutes: Members received a presentation from Officers covering the topic of damp, mould and condensation. This covered legislation, the assessment process of affected properties and the support and action that could be taken.
Members discussed the barriers to reporting, concern for unreported cases, processes followed, education for residents and support available for residents in their own homes.
Members received a presentation from Officers which covered the Move More Strategy as part of the Health Inequalities Funding Application.
Topics covered were: · Funding Stream · Overview · Project Proposal · Outcome · Update
Members discussed engagement with secondary school children, how to incorporate other schemes to work in conjunction with this, the barriers for people to be involved in physical activity, and how to encourage residents of all ages and abilities to be involved.
RESOLVED: 1) That the update be noted; 2) That a further update be provided; 3) For details of a specific case of hoarding to be discussed after the meeting with the Head of Environmental Health.