Venue: Council Chamber, Moorlands House, Leek
Contact: Sally Hampton - Senior Democratic Services Officer Email:
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
Notification of Substitute Members, if any. Additional documents: Minutes: The following substitutions were made:-
- Councillor Malyon for Councillor Jones - Councillor Hoptroff for Councillor Salt - Councillor Taylor for Councillor Whitehouse - Councillor Beswick for Councillor Emery |
Declarations of Interest: - Disclosable Pecuniary Interests - Other Interests Additional documents: Minutes: None were declared. |
To Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 379 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 18 March 2024, be approved as a correct record. |
Urgent Items of Business (24 hours notice to be provided to the Chair) Additional documents: Minutes: There were none. |
Additional documents: Minutes: In response to a query in relation to air quality and a steering group, the Panel was advised that an Information Digest was due to be published shortly and the Head of Environmental Health would be in contact to confirm membership of the steering group.
RESOLVED: That the Work Programme be agreed, subject to, an item on the Food Bank being added to the next meeting. |
Questions to Portfolio Holders Additional documents: Minutes: None had been received. |
Beat the Cold (Presentation) PDF 471 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel received a presentation which covered the following topics:- · An overview of the organisation · NICE Guideline 6 · Beat the Cold Team · Service Level Agreement · Key Performance Data 2023/24 · Case Studies
Discussion took place around the challenges for the organisation such as capacity, attendance at events and recruitment of energy advisors. The officers advised that the organisation was on track to exceed targets, had prioritised outreach work and would continue to develop schemes for energy security.
An explanation of the training provided to the staff was provided, along with details of a pilot scheme linked to health conditions and the longer term sustainable solutions available to residents.
Members thanked the Officer for the work undertaken to support vulnerable people and an invitation was offered to attend parish meetings.
RESOLVED: 1) That the presentation be received; 2) For the postcodes of the properties located in rural areas which have received support from Beat the Cold to be provided to the Panel,
Strengthening the Relationships with Town and Parish Councils PDF 660 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Panel gave consideration to a report which set out the options and process to strengthen the relationships with town and parish councils in line with the priority action agreed in the Corporate Plan.
The Council had committed in the new Corporate Plan to strengthen the relationships with town and parish councils. The terms of reference and the process for this review needed to be developed. The information would be shared with the Parish Assembly with the view to establishing a working group of members of this Panel and the Parish Assembly to work up a proposal for the consideration by Cabinet.
Members welcomed the report and commented positively on the proposals to strengthen relationships with town and parish councils.
The Panel debated the importance of communication, accessibility of the minutes from meetings of the Parish Assembly, regeneration of villages as well as towns, connection with voluntary groups, the membership of the working group and the potential budget for the Small Regeneration Project Grants.
Members made suggestions which included consultation with all parish councillors, a planning training session (guide of planning reasons/consultation responses) and highlighted the importance of engagement with parish clerks.
RESOLVED: The Panel:
1) Considered the potential options / actions included in the report to strengthen the relationships with town and parish councils and identified the preferred way forward;
2) Recommended that the Parish Assembly be consulted to establish a shared approach;
3) Recommended the establishment of a working group of members of this Panel and the Parish Assembly to work up a proposal for the consideration by Cabinet. |