Agenda and minutes

Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel - Monday, 29th January, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Moorlands House, Leek

Contact: Sally Hampton -Senior Democratic Services Officer  Email:


Webcast: View the webcast

No. Item


Notification of Substitute Members, if any.

Additional documents:


The following substitutions were made:


Councillor Spooner for Councillor Whitehouse

Councillor Parkes for Councillor Salt

Councillor Beswick for Councillor Ward


Declarations of Interest:-

·         Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

·         Other Interests

Additional documents:


Agenda No.

Member Declaring Interest

Nature of Interest

Agenda item   – 10 Staffordshire Police, Fire and Crime Annual Update.

Councillor Wood

‘Pecuniary Interest’ – Draws a pension from Fire Service



To Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting. pdf icon PDF 214 KB

Additional documents:



That the minutes from the previous meeting held on 6 November 2023, be approved.



To Note the Minutes of the Police, Fire & Crime Panel pdf icon PDF 163 KB

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That the minutes of the Police, Fire and Crime Panel be noted.



Urgent Items of Business (24 hours notice to be provided to the Chairman).

Additional documents:


No urgent items of business were recorded.


Work Programme. pdf icon PDF 125 KB

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The following items were suggested as future items for consideration:-


-       Beat the Cold (review of service level agreement)

-       OUTSIDE


Members were advised that the Dog Fouling Information Digest would be published shortly and the Maintenance of Street Furniture Information Digest was on the Work Programme for the Service Delivery Panel.



That the Work Programme be approved.




Questions to Portfolio Holders.

(At least two clear days notice required, in writing, to the Proper Officer in accordance with Procedure Rule 15).

Additional documents:


None had been received.



Support Staffordshire Annual Update - Jill Norman, Head of Operations North Staffordshire pdf icon PDF 764 KB

Additional documents:


Jill Norman, Head of Operations Noth Staffordshire provided an update and presentation on the following topics:


Support Staffordshire Overview

Voluntary and Community Groups


Community Group Support

Climate Action

Volunteering for all

Social Economy Development


Discussions took place around social prescribers, link workers, volunteers; how they were recruited, their demographic and their performance measured. The level of support provided to apply for grant funding was explained to the Panel.


The disparity of pay for social subscribers was a concern for some members.



That the presentation be noted.


Staffordshire Police, Fire and Crime Annual Update - Ben Adams, Staffordshire Commissioner. (Verbal Update)

Additional documents:


Members received an update which included statistical information, response times, success of the new policing model, crime prevention and commitment to the community safety partnership.


Discussions centred around CCTV, rural crime, vehicle theft, the use of artificial intelligence, opportunity to feedback to the Crime Commissioner, unmanned police stations and Officers patrolling on foot in the community.

New technology and the ability to keep up with crime associated with this was debated. Anti-social behaviour hotspot patrol and advice on how to progress issues was provided by the Commissioner.


In response to a query around a placed based solution in the Leek North Ward, members were advised that the project may meet the criteria for the Community Change Fund which would be discussed with community safety partners.


Members shared their experiences of the 101 service and commented that the public were reluctant to report low level crime. The most appropriate way to tackle parked cars causing an obstruction was discussed. Recent issues relating to crime in Cheadle were highlighted and it was suggested that a public meeting may be beneficial to reassure residents.


Wellness checks for the vulnerable or most at risk were referred to and a successful pilot scheme with the NHS, Ambulance & Fire Service which had helped to reduce the number of hospital re-admissions was described to the Panel. 


Members debated recruitment to the Fire Service for both retained and on call fire fighters, the 3 person trial, the possible re-introduction of defibrillators on fire engines and challenges faced with regional geographical issues.




1.    That the annual update to be noted;

2.    For statistical information to be supplied in advance of the next annual update, as part of the agenda pack.

3.    For the Commissioner to feedback the ASB issues at Biddulph to the Commander.


Your Housing Group 6 Monthly Performance Update. pdf icon PDF 513 KB

Additional documents:


Officers of Your Housing Group gave an update to members on the following topics;


-       The background to the Legacy agreement

-       Structure of YHG

-       Key Contact details

-       Neighbourhood Inspection and Customer Engagement Events

-       Damp and Mould

-       Tenancy Support and Money Advice

-       DFG update

-       Energy Efficiency Update

-       Lettings

-       ASB

-       Compliance

-       Development

-       Repairs and Maintenance

-       Digital Engagement

-       Community Regeneration


Discussions took place concerning a number of topics which included; response times for repairs especially “re-lets”, the increase in the number of homelessness cases and the cost of temporary accommodation, anti-social behaviour and support for residents and the reduction in footfall at the drop in centre at SMDC.


The timescales for development of social housing including the issues of funding and suitability of land was debated.


Garages were discussed; the resident consultation, the potential implications of selling these at auction and to feedback to the Council on any plans.


The increase in costs from suppliers and contractors and the recruitment drive from Your Housing Group to support the delivery of the KPI’s was discussed.



1.    That the report be noted.

2.    For detailed information to be supplied in terms of energy efficiency measures/retro fitting in YHG properties;

3.    For the Panel to be provided with detailed damp and mould data for YHG properties.