Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Sarah Beech - Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Scott and Hall. Cllr Barrow substituted for Cllr Scott.
Declarations of Interest 1. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 2. ‘Other’ Interests Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 215 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: |
UKSPF Footpath Projects - Verbal Update Minutes: Members received a verbal update on UKSPF Footpath projects in the Borough. Members were briefed on timescales for current projects and the progress of the projects already started. They were advised what projects were to be considered and the issues regarding accessibility by the use of “K Barriers” at a site in Whaley. Communication had taken place with Hope Valley Climate Action Group concerning the “travelling light” project, and funding had been given to support a twelve month continuation of that work to help understand this issues around walking and transport.
Members welcomed the update and the work that had been carried out to date. They discussed the timeline to look at projects and spend the capital money and the impact of Winter on the projects.
RESOLVED: That an update on the Active Travel Masterplan in Glossop be provided. |
Leisure Update - Buxton Leisure Centre Solar Panels - Simon Allaway - Verbal Update Minutes: Members received a presentation on Buxton Swimming Pool and Fitness Centre Decarbonisation Scheme. The updates included: · Background · Construction Phase · Images of work in progress
RESOLVED: That the update be noted. |
Draft Schedule of Meeting Dates - Gillian Wright PDF 108 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the dates for future meetings be approved. |
Any Other Business Minutes: The Chair advised that the Nature Recovery Declaration had been approved at the Executive subject to further consideration by the Climate Change Working Group and any plain English amendments. Members were requested to forward any amendments to Officers within the next week.
RESOLVED: 1. That the Nature Recovery Declaration be circulated. 2. That members feedback any comments regarding the document to Officers within the next week. |