Agenda and minutes

Climate Change Working Group (HPBC) - Wednesday, 8th November, 2023 7.00 pm

Venue: Virtual

Contact: Rachel Rourke 01298 28400 ex. 2139 or Email: 


No. Item


Chair's Announcement


The Chair confirmed that the meeting was being broadcast live to the internet via the Council’s website and was capable of repeated viewing. The images and sound recording may be used for training purposes within the Council. All were asked to keep to the speaking guidelines which were outlined.  Any views expressed by any speaker in the meeting are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of High Peak Borough Council.




Appointment of Vice-Chair




That Councillor Collins be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Working Group.


Declarations of Interest

1.    Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

2.    ‘Other’ Interests


No declarations of interest were received


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 211 KB




That the minutes of the meeting held on 2 February 2023 be approved as a correct record.


Review of Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 275 KB


It was agreed that a more focused work plan would be developed.




That the revised Terms of Reference be approved.


Building Action for Climate and Biodiversity across High Peak - Motion referred from Full Council pdf icon PDF 273 KB


The Working Group considered the “Building Action for Climate and Biodiversity” across High Peak motion that had been referred to the Group by Full Council on 25 October.  A number of actions were set out within the motion, some of which would be addressed by the Local Plan Working Group.  In terms of working with local businesses, the Council’s procurement policies had been updated and training delivered.  Quarterly meetings with partners were being investigated to ensure more focused working arrangements.  Six monthly workshops on themes, some elements have been included within the Borough Plan and draft Annual Reports would be presented late September / early October.


Regarding nutrient neutrality, comments were made around buffer zones and further guidance was awaited in January.  Further information was also provided around how the council works with local businesses and partners.


It was commented that work with local groups should be focussed and generate outputs for the council, and it was queried how local groups can contribute specifically to council plans. Members were advised that part of the purpose of the meetings is to liaise with local groups so the council is aware of what work is being undertaken locally to be fed into council plans if relevant and to enable information to be shared across the network. There is also to invite groups to provide feedback on projects funded via grants, such as the Climate Change Fund.




That the update be noted.


Annual Report Overview - Presentation pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The Working Group received a presentation (attached) on the draft Climate Change Annual Report, on which comments were invited prior to it’s consideration by the Executive.


The purpose of the Annual Report as to provide a snapshot of progress, barriers and where work is needed to improve. 


Comments were made around the energy consumption of council owned buildings, household fuel poverty levels, energy efficiency measures for properties in conservation areas and possible alternative funding measures.  The view was expressed that there needs to be more joined up thinking across the council concerning climate change matters and planning policy, which would be addressed by the Local Plan Working Group, although it was noted that national planning policy may take precedence.



That the draft Annual Report and comments made be noted.


Discussion topic for next meeting and work programme and dates


It was suggested that all plans would be reviewed within the next 12 months.  The climate change elements of the Plan for Nature could be considered at the next meeting, pending a decision around an appropriate structure for the nature elements.


Councillor Todd requested that a rep from DCC be invited to the next meeting to discuss the DCC Verge Management Study.


Other matters that could be discussed included communications around wildfires.




That Plan for Nature and DCC Verge Management Study be topics for the December meeting.


Suggested Meeting Frequency

w/c 04/12/23

w/c 15/01/24

w/c 26/02/24

w/c 08/04/24

w/c 20/05/24

w/c 01/07/24

w/c 09/09/24





That meetings be held as follows:


w/c 04/12/23

w/c 15/01/24

w/c 26/02/24

w/c 08/04/24

w/c 20/05/24

w/c 01/07/24

w/c 09/09/24