Agenda and minutes

Climate Change Working Group (HPBC) - Thursday, 26th May, 2022 6.30 pm

Venue: Virtual


No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 219 KB




That the minutes of the meeting held on 17 March 2022 be approved as a correct rexord.


Actions since the last meeting - verbal


1)    Community Climate Change Fund


The fund is for any community group which needs some help to set up a project to support nature or tackle climate change. The group's main purpose does not need to be related to the environment, just the specific project this would deliver.

The project is administered by High Peak Community and Voluntary Support (HPCVS). Please contact Donna Wren at or 01663 735 350 if you wish to discuss your application.


How to apply: Details on our website:


2)    Animated Explainer Videos


We have created two videos: one that sets out our (draft) strategy and another that gives tips on how we can all take action to tackle climate change.


Videos can be found on our website


3)    Consultation on Climate Change Strategy


Consultation closes on 30 May 2022. Details on our website 


4)    Fuel Poverty


We are working on extending the successful Fuel Bank scheme that is operating in Gamesley into Buxton. We are also having conversations with the Fuel Bank Foundation about the support that we can offer. We will hopefully be able to provide more information on our approach at the next Working Group


5)    LAD 3


We are talking to the Net Zero Hub about developing a programme under the LAD3 scheme to deliver energy efficiency measures to private householders. This work is likely to be delivered in partnership with EON and Marches Energy.


6)    Carbon Literacy Sessions


Keele University will be delivering carbon literacy session for staff In July.


7)     Home Upgrade Grants


The Government has announced a further scheme around support for upgrading boilers

8)     HVCA


Hope Valley Climate Action Group have had £120,000 of funding to employ people to work up ideas on integrated sustainable transport – Cllr Collins to arrange for a speaker to come and present to the next meeting of this group.




That the actions and updates be noted.




Emissions from Council Buildings - Presentation (Katy Webster)


Katy Webster, Head of Assets Service, made a presentation to the working group around Council Buildings, which included an update around housing, specifically, the EFG project (LAD2 Funding) and a Pilot Project at Watford Lodge Bungalow, and  public buildings (a copy of the presentation is attached).


In response to a question, members would be invited to tour Watford Lodge and Lane Head Green, Edale in due course.  Some concerns were expressed around whether Watford Lodge was in a suitable location for a disabled bungalow.


Regarding any potential for apprentices, member were advised that there weren’t any apprentices in the Capital Team, who were managing the contracts, and this project was provided a ‘learning opportunity’ to improve skills and understanding of issues around retrofit..  There may be opportunities for apprenticeships within the Norse Joint Venture in due course.  Reference was made to difficulties with recruitment and retention for construction projects.


Regarding the works currently being undertaken to Glossop Municipal Buildings, following a feasibility study on whether the Glossop buildings could be heated in an alternative way other than gas which was not feasible so an upgraded gas boiler had been installed in the municipal buildings which was much more efficient and should lead to improvements.  It was noted that protection of heritage and decarbonisation did not always fit together easily.


Regarding the extent to which implementation of the recommendations around public buildings would lead to them being carbon neutral, members were advised that the recommendations at this point were an indication of what could be realistically achieved at this point taking each building on its own merit.  Simple measures could be effective, such as draft exclusion measures, together with more complicated schemes.  Consideration would be needed as to how to progress towards being carbon neutral taking all factors into consideration including the development of technology.


It was queried to what extent the experience around the EFG project is translatable into a service which the council could offer to the private sector, both landlords and owner occupiers, bearing in mind the type of stock in High Peak.  Discussions have been on-going with Norse around this type of opportunity and building the relevant skills and capacity to delivery such a service. 


Reference was made to HVCG, with others,  taking a proposal to DCC under their Vision Derbyshire initiative for a one stop shop to talk about an initiative covering county, district and boroughs to take their capacity beyond looking at their own stock, which had been defeated but would be reviewed and resubmitted


It was also suggested that strategies that take into account the time factor should also be considered in the aim of reducing emissions. It was noted that there are a lot of energy saving measures that can be done easily, and the feasibility around these measures needed to be progressed.




1.     That the Head of Asset Service be thanked for the informative presentation; and

2.     That it be noted that further information would be provided in due  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22/5


Climate Change Event (Cllr McKeown)


The Council would be hosting an event in July which would focus on wider engagement with part 2 of the Climate Change Action Plan.


Suggestions for groups to invite included business representatives, parish councils, school groups, church groups, general community groups, members and officers.




That the update be noted.


Date of next meeting - 22 June at 6.30 pm via Teams


Michael Corcoran on behalf of the HPGN raised the following items:

·        High Peak Green New Deal are working with the New Economics Foundation aimed at central Government to ensure there is funding for future activities – the foundation had identified High Peak as a marginal political seat and will be inviting High Peak to collaborate on their campaign

·        Share First Group – progress was sought around the project around bringing empty properties back into use – the group were requested to forward details to the Head of Communities who would provide an update.




1.     That the above matters be noted and actioned accordingly;

2.     That the next meeting be held on 22 June, virtually at 6.30 p.m.