No. | Item |
Chair's Announcement Minutes: The Chair confirmed that the meeting was being broadcast live to the internet via the Council’s website and was capable of repeated viewing. The images and sound recording may be used for training purposes within the Council. All were asked to keep to the speaking guidelines which were outlined. Any views expressed by any speaker in the meeting are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of High Peak Borough Council.
Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 18 November 2021 be approved as a correct record.
Actions since the last meeting - verbal Minutes: The Chair provided an update on actions since the last meeting which included:
· A workshop was held with Anthesis in December and further workshops will be on-going, including a business specific one in High Peak – details of which are in the business newsletter · The Council had taken part in the UK100 Countryside Climate Change Network Group as well as a roundtable discussion around issues coming forward in the government white paper, specifically around off grid fuel supplies · Training had been undertaken around the climate change plan scorecard would be released next week |
EV Charging in Derbyshire and the UK (Alec Curley - Jacobs) Minutes: Alec Curley from Jacobs made a presentation to members around EV Charging in Derbyshire and the UK. Jacobs had been commissioned by DCC to help with the framework and transition to electric vehicle charging. The presentation set out the policy and strategic context for the project, the proposed strategy objectives, barriers to EV update (myths vs reality), current status, the problems that local authorities and trying to solve, EV Charging points – revenue analysis by type, key enablers to success, public charging / options, forecasted numbers, existing charging sites, public and private sector sites.
The Chair made reference to specific issues in High Peak in relation to terraced housing and parking challenges, the topography of the area, as well as for the very rural parts, whether there is enough power to enable the infrastructure to be implemented. Members were advised that the rural network was challenging and that particularly for tourist hotspots, assessments around upgrades would be made on a site by site basis. At the moment, demand was low and upgrade costs were high, and work needed to be undertaken with network operators, as well as being more creative in the generation of energy – solar, wind etc.
Regarding charging points on dwellings, there were lots of innovations coming to market and products to addresses issues, including the use of existing car parks as hubs. Technology was also moving forward around HCVs and improvements and solutions to battery options, range, size and disposal / re-use. Working with partners to identify solutions to on-street charging was welcomed, although concerns were expressed around the reliability and access to existing charging points at NHS facilities.
Consultation was on-going with stakeholders and a further presentation would be made to members in due course.
Alex was thanked for his attendance and presentation.
Climate Change Action Plan - Performance Management (David Smith) Minutes: David Smith provided an update around performance management for the Climate Change Action Plan, which included:
· Regular updates from Anthesis as part of the scatter tool · Actions submitted to the Transformation Board – regular updates will be provided consistent with general corporate updates · Further work done around firmer targets and baseline –it was proposed that a spreadsheet produced by Future Partnerships be adopted as the council’s methodology, which would also provide benchmarking opportunities. It was noted that there would be a need to apportion the emissions between the two the two authorities. To start with, the tool could be completed using backdated information from 2019/20 to give baseline data and a consistent methodology going forward, This would then be incorporated into the corporate monitoring processes.
The Chair noted that this would form part of the Corporate Performance Management. A score on the plan would be received shortly by UK100 and their plan is to move and develop a mechanism to score actions that have come from the plans. It was noted however, that the council’s strategy was not included in the scoring process for this year,
That the update be noted. |
Climate Change Update (David Smith) Minutes: The draft report from Anthesis had been received which was an analysis of the procurement spend. Next steps to go through that with finance and procurement colleagues and others, including, the cost of fleet and AES as major spends and finalise the report which would be submitted to members.
A summary of the Climate Action Plan had been circulated which had been edited by the Plain English society and the Comms Team, some better pictures may also be incorporated in due course. A consultancy has been commissioned to produced an animated explanatory video to explain the council’s strategy and advice to local residents.
The draft strategy was agreed and an EoI would be submitted to UK100 to work with local authorities around engaging and working with local communities and would also include training.
Met with Derbyshire Wildlife Trust around the Nature Recovery Strategy. A mapping exercise has been started and DWT to look at what DCC are proposing to ensure supplementary work being done rather than duplication.
It was commented that given the aim of net zero by 2030, there is an emphasis on small acts, seems unbalanced.
Generally, a update around practical actions being taken now was requested, such as retro fitting homes, verges etc.
That the update be noted.
Update from High Peak Green Network Minutes: Laurie James from High Peak Green Network provided an update around the work of the High Peak Green Network, which is a network of 7 green groups from throughout the community. The group meets on a bi-monthly basis and exists to proactively make things happen, examples of which were given. The role of HPGN as a critical friend to the council as it stives to deliver its net zero commitment was set out. The group has submitted comments on the internal and boroughwide climate action plans, the impact of and responses to are awaited. More emphasis on measurable targets would be welcomed, together with the council’s commitment to consult. The appointment of a Climate Change Officer was also welcomed together with further open and regular engagement.
The Chair thanked Laurie for his presentation and confirmed that the Climate Change Officer would be in position from early March 2022. Ways in which to involve a wider range of interested people were discussed and reference made to the additional consultation and engagement support from UK100 and the Youth Climate Pathfinder Forum of High Peak and Derbyshire Dales.
The Chair thanked Laurie for his presentation and attendance. |
Date of next meeting Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the next meeting be held on 24 February 2022 at 6.30 p.m. via Teams |