Venue: Virtual Meeting
No. | Item |
Chair's Announcement Minutes: The Chair confirmed that the meeting was being broadcast live to the internet via the Council’s website and was capable of repeated viewing. The images and sound recording may be used for training purposes within the Council. All were asked to keep to the speaking guidelines which were outlined. Any views expressed by any speaker in the meeting are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of High Peak Borough Council.
The Chair introduced David Smith, who, following a recent service review had been appointed as Head of Communities and Climate Change. Neil Rodgers (Executive Director – Place) was now also responsible for Climate Change issues. |
Minutes of the previous meeting Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 July 2021 be approved as a correct record. |
Actions since the last meeting - verbal Minutes: The following actions had been undertaken since the last meeting: · Affordable Warmth webinar held during Cop26 - feedback relatively positive in terms of information available and future areas of works · Gained Bronze Level certification in carbon literacy · Joined UK100 and Cities Race to Zero – bodies which assist council’s to achieve council change targets · Successful interviews have been held for the post of Climate Change Officer · Meetings continued with HPGN and Bio-diversity Group – work has continued on bio-diversity strategy – DWF doing mapping of HP green areas and other options are being explored to ensure work on the strategy is done · A survey of High Peak residents around climate change awareness has been done– next agenda items, along with analysis by Anthesis · Work doing with Councils across Derbyshire under vision Derbyshire – getting Climate Change Executive members together has started · Work on the first stage of retrofitting some of our council homes and training for assets staff to further work and making use of Green Homes grant
Climate Change Action Plan Additional documents: Minutes: The Working Group considered a report and part two of the Climate Change Strategy 2021 – 2030, which looked at wider aspects of the climate change that are on the whole beyond the direct control of the Council, and provides a plan for reducing emissions across the district. The Scatter emissions baseline for the district prepared by Anthesis UK Ltd. were attached at appendix A, the results of the Climate Attitude Survey were attached at appendix B and the proposed Climate Change Strategy 2021 – 2030 were attached at appendix C. The next steps in the process, including the actions to take place over the next 12 months were set out at paragraph 7.23 onwards of the report. It was noted that Anthesis would be holding a series of workshops over the next couple of months with officers, councillors, businesses, public and community groups.
The following comments were made: · Should be a focus on overall reduction in waste rather than on recycling – and should be all waste not just residual waste · Paragraph 7,16, under Our Mission – change to read “….to do everything they can------” · Paragraph 7.24 – actions contradict earlier statement around reducing carbon emissions by 15.8% per year. Add to first bullet point, “to support us to deliver our plan” · Help from the Energy Saving Trust around the change of vehicles by March is missing · Paragraph 22 – list of what is being considered as the inclusive and equitable climate change action to be circulated (done) Appendix A · set objectives in terms of what we can practically achieve in the borough
Appendix B · survey pre dates COP26 – would results be different following the COP · what value is derived from the results? Tells us how badly education is needed · need to have public engaged to achieve levels of change
Appendix C · If the document is for the public – section at the start should be edited down – it was noted that a public, plain English version would be produced · Not enough actions and timescales – it was noted that once the workshops would done, the dates for specific targets would be tightened · Energy efficiency – no mention of insulation of homes – make it accessible and direct · Glossary useful but needs to be upfront · High Peak Green Network contribution acknowledged and pleased group are able to respond on detail. Issues can be dealt with around strategy net zero and targets which should be set out in meaningful terms. · request for a pictorial version at some point · energy conversion – contentious issues, council should remain neutral (HPGN) · possible additional AQM area on Fairfield Road · glossary – community orchards – Cllr Hall to suggest alternate wording
1. That the Executive be recommended to approve the Climate Chante Strategy 2021 – 2030;
2. That a virtual Climate Change Summit be held on 7 December between 6 pm and 8 pm to which all councillors be invited to attend.
Future Meetings Minutes: Ideas for future meetings included:
· the bio-diversity strategy would be developed once the Climate Change Officer was in post, external help might need to be sought and feedback from the group could be used as a resource for future meetings.
· Communication Strategy - The delivery and meetings of targets should be communicated effectively with residents, including any quick wins.
· Finance – council investment and sending on environmental action, including ESG criteria.
· Local Plan review – due to report findings after the initial meeting
· Future of hydrogen – use as a replacement for natural gas
· Implementation and monitoring of the strategy |
Date of next meeting Minutes: Preference was to meet monthly – with the next meeting being in December / January where the targets and framework for monitoring the strategy would be discussed. |