Venue: Virtual
No. | Item |
Chair's Announcement Minutes: The Chair confirmed that the meeting was being broadcast live to the internet via the Council’s website and was capable of repeated viewing. The images and sound recording may be used for training purposes within the Council. All were asked to keep to the speaking guidelines which were outlined. Any views expressed by any speaker in the meeting are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of High Peak Borough Council.
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 216 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 27 May 2021 be approved as a correct record. |
Actions since the last meeting - verbal Minutes: · There had been no additional training events. · The LGA conference had been held virtually and included reference to the COP26 Climate Change Conference later this year. · Staff training would be held around carbon literacy and train the trainers via Keele University · Local Authority Energy Partnership – meetings had been held around the Green Homes grant 3 scheme and the housing upgrade scheme and bids would be made · Midlands Energy Hub – getting ready to implement the Green Homes Grant proposals in our own stock · Derbyshire wide project to look at the private housing stock minimum energy efficiency standards |
Climate Change Plan (Part 1) PDF 313 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Working Group considered the Council’s 2021/22 Climate Change Plan (Part 1) ‘Towards Carbon Neutrality 2030’.
The following comments were made: · Training for climate change champions · Opportunities for a green energy supplier · Regular updates on the plan at each meeting were requested · Page 46 – query around use of ECP ratings for the retrofitting of hosing stock and suggested that energy use should be a measure of criteria. This is to be considered by the Asset Management Working Group. · Review target dates within the plan · Page 49 – 2021 target for reduction in business miles is unambitious – this figure will change due to the ongoing impact of covid · Page 51 – procurement – bio diversity group had commented that companies having a detrimental effect on bio diversity should not be used – members were invited to feed comments into the on-going consultation into the review of the procurement strategy · Pages 53 and 54 – training etc – make wording stronger in this section, · Query around grants for insulation for the owners of listed buildings in conservation areas – reference was made to the Green Homes Grants and Home Upgrade Grants which presented challenges in terms of short term money and short term delivery scales, a long term approach from Government was required. To be fed back through the LAEP and investigate what advice is available for private householders · This plan should be integrated into the major procedures of the council and be integrated with the MTFP
It was noted that part 2 of the plan was still being developed and would be considered by the Working Group at a later date.
That, subject to the above comments, the plan be noted. |
Theme - Energy Supply 1. What is an asset in a climate emergency - Phil Brennan, Head of APSE Energy,
2. How Electrification will drive the transition to Nett Zero Carbon in the High Peak - Richard Noakes, Chair of Sustainable Hayfield Energy Group Minutes: A, What is an asset in a climate emergency?
Phil Brennan, Head of APSE Energy, made a presentation to the Working Group around what is an asset in a climate emergency (a copy of the presentation is attached). Matters set out included the need to plan for severe weather events and the changes in CO2 emissions over time. Global, national and local priorities were set out and the need for asset management information is vital. Examples of ways in which assets can be used to produce large scale renewable energy and used as economic development tools were discussed. There were challenges in the form of procurement, and reference was made to a vehicle to grid school bus pilot exercise and the possibility of negative energy costs by changing the way the grid operates.
Reference was made to the trial of an electric refuse vehicle within High Peak which had not been very successful due to the hilly nature of the area, and it was suggested that other initiatives could also be investigated such as 3 weekly collections and underground waste collections for new developments.
B. How Electrification will drive the transition to Net Zero Carbon in the High Peak
Richard Noakes, on behalf of Sustainable Hayfield Energy Group, made a presentation to the Working Group around how electrification will drive the transition to net zero carbon in the High Peak (A copy of the presentation is attached). Why, what, how and when was set out together with the implications of low carbon renewable generation. The law of supply and demand was set out, together with how local is the future. An A4 Step Plan was set out which included reduce demand on the grid, reduce peak demand, reduce energy waste and reduce carbon. The results of a REGEN – Local Renewable Generation Assessment in Hayfield was discussed.
Members discussed issues relating to solar power vs community energy storage, the costs of a floating solar array and modular small technology.
The presenters were thanked for their attendance and informative presentations. |
Date and Theme of next meeting - To be agreed Minutes: Topics for future meetings were discussed and suggestions included: · Reports setting out action relating to climate change from within the Council · Hydrogen – is it all hype? · local industries to inform the group about what they are doing around climate change · House developer / housing association to advise of their future plans for creating eco-friendly housing estates · The Framework for Part 2 of the Action Plan (next meeting), including publicising and seeking wider buy in for actions.
That the date of the next meeting be arranged in due course. |