Venue: Virtual Meeting
No. | Item |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 116 KB Minutes: The following comments were made in terms of future meetings: · copies of the presentations to be circulated rather than summarised in the minutes.
· Future agendas to include an item to report back on actions taken since the last meeting.
· Time after each presentation for discussion with presenters about actions the council can take
· An item to be placed on the website to set out what the council has done, is doing and will do around climate change
· Request for a presentation from the Head of Development Services around planning issues, including affordable housing and improving energy efficiency ratings
1. The minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2020 be approved as a correct record;
2. That the above matters be actioned in terms of future meetings. |
Theme - Housing and Domestic Buildings (a) Overivew of HPBC Housing Stock – HPBC Assets Team
(b) High Peak Green Network – Professor Michael Corcoran, Professor Stephen Platt and Zee-Zee Heine Minutes: Asset Management – Status of the HRA Stock
The Head of Assets made a presentation to the working group around the status of the HRA stock , and provided information around the housing stock type and SAP values, the current regulations the council woks to, the current capital programme, the challenges and the future. A copy of the presentation is attached.
It was queried whether In addition to further work required around the Decent Homes Standard, whether any work been done to identify the cost of making each house carbon neutral, and suggested that if not, this should be done as quickly as possible so that the cost implications could be identified. Members were advised that an action point for this year is to engage experts in this field to undertake this area of work.
Information around what action the council could take in terms of supporting the tenants of private landlords was sought. It was confirmed that engaging with others in terms of housing would be included within the climate change action plan. In response to a query around windows and doors, it was confirmed that a windows and door replacement programme was being undertaken at the moment and will be brought up to modern double glazed standards.
High Peak Green Network
Professor Michael Corcoran, Dr Stephen Platt and Zee-Zee Heine made presentations to the working group around the challenges and opportunities presented by decarbonising housing (copies attached). Dr Platt presented the outcome of a survey undertaken in Hope Valley around home energy efficiency measures. Professor Corcoran outlined the context of achieving net zero carbon emissions, including the reuse of buildings rather than re-building and the use of electricity within homes rather than gas and other initiatives such as hydro schemes. Zee Zee Heine presented challenges related to retrofitting the council’s own housing stock.
With reference to retrofitting, it was confirmed that some of the options outlined around offering services to owner occupiers and private landlords were already undertaken where applicable. The biggest challenge was the identification of contractors with the right skills to undertaken the work and the importance of procurement options was stressed. The view was expressed the upgrading of houses should be done type by type rather than on a piece meal basis.
The Chair thanked the presenters for their presentations and contributions to the meeting.
Action Plan - Verbal Update Minutes: Members requested sight of the draft action plan at the next meeting of the working group. It was specifically requested that investments be added to the action plan.
That the Action Plan be submitted to the next meeting of the working group.
Suggested Dates of Future Meetings 1. 25 February – Commercial Buildings and Industry 2. 18 March – Agriculture and Land Use 3. 22 April – Waste 4. 20 May – Energy Supply
Minutes: It was requested that the Head of Development Services be requested to attend the next meeting to provide an update around planning issues, particularly around environmental considerations in planning applications for new housing, any opportunities around putting constraints on any new builds for affordable housing and progress towards the future homes standard.
That the dates and themes of future meetings be as follows:
25 February – Planning 18 March – Commercial Buildings and Industry 22 April – Agriculture and Land Use 20 May – Waste Date TBC – Energy Supply