Agenda and minutes

Climate Change Working Group (HPBC) - Thursday, 17th December, 2020 6.00 pm

Venue: Virtual Meeting


No. Item


Declaration of Interests

1.    Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

2.    Other Interests


Councillor Todd declared an ‘other’ interest as she is a member of Buxton Town Team Access, Travel and Transport Working Group


Councillor Collins declared an ‘other’ interest as she is a member of the Hope Valley Climate Change Action Group


Councillor Farrell declared an ‘other’ interest as she is a member of the Hope Valley Climate Change Action Group


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 103 KB


It was requested that the contact details of the speakers at the meeting be circulated, which would be arranged.




That the minutes of the meeting on 19 November 2020 be approved as a correct record.


Buxton Town Team Access, Travel and Transport Working Group

Introduction of invited representatives who each have a 10 minute slot to present their area of work:


(a)  Buxton Town Team Access, Parking, Travel and Transport Working Group (Tina Heathcote and Andy Parker)


(b)  Hope Valley Climate Action Group (Councillors Collins and Farrell)


Tina Heathcote and Andy Parker were in attendance to inform the working group about the Whole Town Travel Plan which was about to go out to consultation.


The Whole Town Travel Plan has been developed in consultation with partners and includes priorities around accessibility, walking and cycling, public transport (including buses, trains, coaches and taxis), schools -most are well within active travel distances, traffic movements in the town, goods deliveries – an issue which has grown greatly during the pandemic and it is suggested that Buxton could be used as a pilot scheme to rationalise the use of vehicles; electric vehicles, car ownership including the use of car clubs and car parking.  One of the guiding principles of developing the travel plan has been inclusivity, and the adoption of the concept of shared space will become increasingly important.


The Safer Walk and Ride Network has been developed through engagement with specific groups, and a series of linked routes across the town have been defined to ensure linkages from home to school, work and the town,  5 routes all starting from the Pump Room are being concentrated on and land ownership issues being investigated.  The routes include cycle and pedestrian routes and it is anticipated that some if not all route will be approved and go further out into the national park.  The project has been undertaken in collaboration with councillors and officers from HPBC and DCC. 


In response to a query, it was confirmed that the routes being investigated in the main are not on the highway and using existing routes and side roads.  Reference was also made to a cycle path from Chinley to link up with the path at Fairfield Common and the desire to link up as many paths as possible to create a path from Manchester to the Peak District.  In response to a query, it was confirmed that the proposals would need to be submitted to the council for a formal decision in due course due to the council’s responsibilities as land owner. It was requested that a written update on the scheme be presented to the next meeting of Economy and Growth Select Committee.


Regarding local delivery hubs, concerns were expressed regarding the implications regarding responsibility for the value of the parcels, although the desire to find a solution to this was acknowledged. 




1.    That the presentations be noted;

2.    That a written update around the Safer Walk and Ride Scheme be submitted to the next meeting of Economy and Growth Select Committee.


Hope Valley Climate Action Group


Travel Survey


Hope Valley Climate Action Group have undertaken a travel survey which sought information around how people usually made journeys, what changes would people be willing to make and what are the barriers to not making more use of walking, cycling or public transport and electric vehicles.  The survey found that there was appetite for residents to use more sustainable travel in Hope Valley if the conditions are right including safer roads and better public transport. 


A number of actions had been identified as a result of the survey including:

·         Campaigning for dedicated cycling and walking routes

·         more road space for cyclists and walkers

·         low speed limits in villages and on minor roads, to make it safer and more attractive to cycle and walk for everyday short journeys

·         Pressing for high quality, integrated, regular and inexpensive rail and bus services, attractive and well publicised

·         Encouraging the switch to EV bikes and cars

·         Calling for better management of visitors’ journeys: Park and Ride, public transport into and within the Valley geared to visitor needs, better control of antisocial speeding and parking.


Aims for Travel and Transport


The aim of Hope Valley Climate Action Group was to become a national model of sustainable rural transport and a number of actions were set out to achieve this arising from the travel survey.  The group had undertaken a number of actions including an electric bike demonstration, bike bus to school, survey of cycling to school and funding bids for the extension of a cycle way to Hope Valley college and Castleton. Work was on-going with partners, including HPBC to help connect cycling routes, respond to road consultations and encouraging the use of EVs were suggested.  It was also requested that ways in which positive communication around ways in which sustainable transport could be used could be examined.  Reference was also made to the CPRE examining cycle routes and safer routes between conurbations.




That the presentations be noted.


Transport - Action Planning


The Leader advised that a written report on the Buxton Safer Walk and Ride project would be made to the next meeting of Economy and Growth Select Committee.


Discussions on-going with sustainable transport team with DCC who had provided a list of areas they are working on for consideration, which would be circulated.


Discussions would be held with the HPBC Communications Team around positive communication around sustainable transport examples.


Dates, Times and Themes of future meetings

Suggested dates and themes for future meetings are:


21.1.21 – Housing and Domestic Buildings

25.2.21 – Commercial Buildings and Industry

24.3.21 – Agriculture and Land Use

21.4.21 – Waste

19.5.21 – Energy Supply


It was requested that future meetings be held on Thursdays commencing at 6.30 p.m.


It was requested that an item around the low carbon advertising policy be submitted to a future meeting.




That the next meeting be held on 19 January at 6.30 p.m. via Teams.