Agenda and minutes

Climate Change Working Group (HPBC) - Thursday, 19th November, 2020 6.00 pm

Venue: Virtual

No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 117 KB


Councillor Abbotts should be included on the list of those in attendance.


It was requested that in view of the importance of the nature of this working group that meetings be streamed live to the internet to allow interested members of the public to view.




1.    That, subject to the inclusion of Councillor Abbotts in the list of those present, the minutes of the meeting held on 29 September 2020 be approved as a correct record;


2.    That meetings of the working group be streamed live to the internet via the council’s YouTube channel.


Chair's Announcement


The Chair confirmed that the meeting was being broadcast live to the internet via the Council’s website and was capable of repeated viewing. The images and sound recording may be used for training purposes within the Council. All were asked to keep to the speaking guidelines which were outlined.  Any views expressed by any speaker in the meeting are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of High Peak Borough Council.




Introduction of invited representatives who will each have a 10  / 15 minute slot to discuss their area of work:


(a)  Lorrie Marchington – general overview of the High Peak Green Network


(b)  Rachel Purchase – general introduction to the bio-diversity group


(c)   Peter Phillipson – Health and Well-Being in relation to bio-diversity


(d)  Dave Savage – overview of the work of the DWT


A number of representatives of local groups had been invited to make presentations to the working group around the theme of bio-diversity and each group was requested to identify an action that the council could support or should be looking at.


(1)  High Peak Green Network (HPGN) – Lorrie Marchington


HPGN had been set up at the end of 2019 to enable all green group to support the council in their declaration of a climate change emergency.  A number of groups were involved including Transition New Mills, Transition Buxton, Sustainable Hayfield.  Approaches had also been received from residents in Glossop, Tideswell and Staffordshire Moorlands. The group is non-political and the initial aim is to achieve co-operation between bio-diversity groups.  The New Mills Community Conversation had been very successful and the New Mills group were helping other groups to develop community conversations.  Information around different initiatives was shared on the facebook page and across all groups.


(2)  Bio-diversity group – Rachel Purchase


Part of HPGN and representatives from Buxton, New Mills, Hope Valley and Whaley Bridge as well as other parts of Derbyshire.  The definition of bio-diversity was set out together with the emerging bio-diversity crisis due to the loss of nature in the UK and decline in habitats and species since the 1970s which is due to a number of pressures which show links between bio diversity and climate change.  Examples of how this as being tackled were set out together with increased public concern and the prioritisation of bio diversity and changing government policy.  Ways in which councils can help were set out including the development of bio-diversity action plans which inform all areas of the council’s work and the improvement of existing habitats.  The importance of using the local plan and planning guidance to protect existing habitats was stressed together with the strengthening and standardising planning requirements. It was commented that the council should have regard to conservation and promote bio-diversity wherever possible, considering where to build and are there alternative locations.  Reference was made to the bio-diversity considerations currently within planning applications, and it was commented that policies should include the inclusion of bird boxes, hedgehog pathways etc.  It was suggested that the Head of Planning and Development be invited to provide further information on the bio-diversity considerations within the planning process.


(3)  Buxton Civic Association – The Importance of Biodiversity Conservation to people – Peter Phillipson


A definition of bio diversity conservation was set out and research had demonstrated the positive effect that contact with nature has on our health and wellbeing.  Within Buxton, there are 10 woods which are crucial for providing essential contact with nature, which saw a massive increase in activity thoughout lockdown.  HPBC was requested to undertake a number of measures including to protect existing wildlife habitats in and around settlements, safeguard and sympathetically manage neighbourhood open spaces and to ensure all new housing has generous of open space for contact with nature, greater emphasiss the local plan on conserving existing habitats  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.


Survey on Climate Assembly UK - item for discussion pdf icon PDF 55 KB


The Working Group considered a survey produced by Climate Assembly UK, which was a citizens’ assembly on climate change bought together by a group of MPs to look at how the UK could reach its commitment to reach met zero carbon emissions by 2050.


Ways in which the views of the High Peak could be represented within the survey wre discussed and it was noted that the survey was aimed an individual’s responding rather than organisations.




That the survey be noted.


Greater Manchester Clean Air Zone Consultation pdf icon PDF 100 KB

A link to the consultation is attached


The attached report was originally considered at the Public Transport Working Group on 4 November and has been referred to this Working Group at the request of the Leader for any additional comments



Additional documents:


The Working Group considered the consultation regarding the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan.  Emerging issues for High Peak were identified within the report and comments were sought.  It was noted that the report had also been considered by the Public Transport Working Group.


The following comments were made:

·         More support would be required for local businesses – reference was made to funding being made available within Greater Manchester to support compliance with the emissions standards which is not extended into High Peak

·         Damage to small businesses

·         Creation of rat runs to avoid charges and the impact of increased numbers of HGVs through smaller towns and villages

·         Query the exclusion of trunk roads with specific reference to A57 and A628




That the above comments be included in the council’s response to the consultation.


Date of Next Meeting




That the next meeting be held on a date to be determined.