Agenda and minutes

Climate Change Working Group (HPBC) - Tuesday, 29th September, 2020 6.00 pm

Venue: Virtual Meeting

Contact: Rachel Rourke - 01298 28400 ex. 2139 

No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 92 KB




That the minutes of the meeting held on 25 February 2020 be approved as a correct record.


Climate Change Update pdf icon PDF 82 KB


The Working Group considered an update on actions taken to date since the first meeting of the group following the declaration of a climate change emergency by the council on 15 October 2019.


Issues reported on were set out at paragraph 5.4 of the report and included:

·         10 year fleet replacement programme – the Energy Saving Trust were assembling data around mileage, useage etc and recommendations would be presented in due course around the decarbonisation of the fleet


·         Asset management strategy – the asset management plan will be reviewed once the stock condition survey is completed – this provides an opportunity to identify potential energy measures for buildings and the use of photovoltaics.  The Midlands Energy Hub have some funding for councils to put initiatives in place.  The potential for the use of solar panels on the roof of Glossop Town Hall was queried.  Members were advised that there was a new fund for local authorities to invest in their own properties and options were being investigated.


·         Energy suppliers – mix of renewables and non-renewable.  The energy contacts had been renewed this year for a 4 year period but other mixes of energy providers could be reviewed.


·         Staff Training – the management of open spaces started with Staffordshire Wildlife Trust which will provide learning for officers which will be transferable to High Peak and contacts within Derbyshire Wildlife Trust – possible sub-group to discuss?  It was also commented that member training needed to be put in place and discussions were on-going with Keele University.  It was further confirmed that any training provided could be done remotely.


·         Housing – a bid would be made to the second round of the Government’s Local Authority Green Home Grant either with other Derbyshire authorities or individually.  Funding had to be targeted at the least energy efficient housing of which 157 properties had been identified.


·         Data around CO2 emissions in respect of staff travel and fleet vehicles would be circulated.  The reduction in CO2 emissions as a result of COVID and the different ways of working were being discussed a part of the COVID recovery process and a staff survey had been undertaken.



The Midlands Energy hub was also providing an opportunity to create a framework to invest in electric vehicle charging points across the borough.  It was queried whether car parking charges were applicable while electric charging points were being utilised.


·         £2M had been deposited with Barclays through Green Bond Purchasing – the details of which would be circulated.  Some concern was expressed that this had not been reported at Corporate Select Committee.


·         Investment in Green Energy (paragraph 5.4.11 refers) – it was commented that this was a further pressure on the MTFP and that no reference was made to water energy.  Members were advised that the first part of the process was to map the nation grid to identify the potential locations for solar farms.


·         County Partnership – work had been affected by the COVID response but was now getting back on track  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Procurement Strategy Review - Environmental Priorities pdf icon PDF 168 KB


Members were given a presentation and invited to comment on the Joint Procurement Strategy which was currently being updated.  The focus would be to continue to drive value for money and achieve financial savings but to also consider environmental, social and ethical responsibilities, particularly, environmental considerations in supply chain management and sustainable ‘green’ sourcing strategies.


The advantages of achieving ISO20400 Sustainable Procurement Standard was queried and it was suggested that the guidance could be used as a guide, to which members were advised that the guidance would be used to ensure best practice was being used.


The view was expressed that the use of single use plastic, and any single use manufactured product should be reduced.


It was commented that procurement policies need to be practical and worktable to encourage more local purchasing, to which members were advised that this formed part of the bid assessment criteria.




That, subject to the above comments, the revised Joint Procurement Strategy be noted,








Air Quality Management Update on the AQAP Woodhead Road (A628) Tintwistle pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Additional documents:


The Working Group were updated on the progress of the Air Quality Action Plan for the Air Quality Management Area (1) Woodhead road (A628) Tintwistle, together with steps the council is taking to address air quality issues across the borough.


It was noted that the action plan did show a significant improvement during 2019. Consideration as been given to a third AQMA at Fairfield, and further data to support the declaration was being gathered. 


In response to a query regarding working with partner agencies to ensure measures are implemented, members were advised that it was the role of the borough council to suggest policies to improve air quality and engage with partners to implement those measures.


In response to concerns regarding the effect of the decrease in traffic due to the COVID pandemic on the air quality data for Fairfield, members were assured that this substantial data was already in existence for the area.




That the update be noted.


Date of Next Meeting


It was suggested that the next meeting be arranged in around 6 – 8 weeks time.