Venue: Board Room, Pavilion Gardens, Buxton
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair Minutes: RESOLVED:
That Councillor A McKeown be appointed as Chair and Councillor Lomax as Vice-Chair of the Working Group. |
Scene Setting · Declaration of a Climate Emergency – Background · The local data – carbon footprint · The results of recent engagement event · Activity of the Council to date Minutes: The Working Group considered the background to the declaration of the climate emergency and activity of the Council to date and received a short presentation from Councillor Todd.
Matters considered included: · The collection of data around the council’s carbon footprint (available within the next couple of months) · Work undertaken by the Tyndall Centre around carbon budgets and trajectories · Tools at borough and district level to establish: o What is the council’s carbon footprint o What is the borough’s carbon footprint and how can we influence and set targets · The consideration of climate change in decision making – reference was made to the implications section in reports which had been amended to include climate change · Implications for issues including travel (staff and customers), buildings, processes · Implications in terms of resilience to climate change and how this is assessed · Training for managers
Terms of Reference and Work Programme PDF 93 KB · Discussion, amendments, approval Minutes: The Working Group considered the proposed Terms of Reference and Work Programme for the Group.
It was requested that the Terms of Reference be amended to include greater emphasis on providing leadership to residents and businesses to reduce their carbon emissions.
The Chair advised that in addition to the draft work programme, additional issues for consideration could be: · 10 year fleet replacement programme – opportunities around fuel efficiency and electric vehicles · Procurement strategy · Asset management strategy – council assets and buildings – whether there is the potential for solar cells of roofs · Energy framework – option to switch to a greener supplier · Park management contract – include more bio-diversity · Treasury Management Strategy – potential for investment in green energy · Facilities Management Contract – change in contract with DCC – need to query if the new arrangements are suitable · Housing stock - opportunity to look at how to improve the energy efficiency ratings on windows. The scope of the task around the housing stock was discussed, together with work already undertaken around the decent homes standard.
It was agreed that the suggested work programme needed to be prioritised, together with the need to establish the cost implications of any projects to be undertaken, to ensure that any key milestones fit with the budget timetable. Members were asked to forward any further ideas around priority areas to Officers.
It was agreed that the priorities should reduce the costs to the Council, reduce emissions and make the biggest contribution to emissions across the borough. Reference was also made to the Future Homes consultancy.
The potential for joint working with SMDC Climate Change Sub-Committee was welcomed.
The procedure for meetings of the Working Group was agreed, subject to an update at each meeting around what the Council is doing around each particular issue. It was further agreed that expert witnesses would be invited to attend particular meetings as appropriate.
It as suggested that as a foundation, there should be a plan of actions the Council is going to do to make a contribution to the response to the climate emergency particularly over the next 12 – 24 months.
1. That subject to the above amendments and comments, the Terms of Reference and draft Work Programme be agreed;
2. That expert witnesses and key stakeholders be invited to attend meetings as appropriate.
Any other business Minutes: Regarding frequency of meetings, it was agreed that meetings be held on approximately a monthly basis, subject to the availability of expert witnesses, and that meetings alternate between daytime and evening.
That the next meeting of the Working Group be held on 25 February, at a time to be agreed during the day in the Municipal Buildings, Glossop, and to include consideration of the prioritisation of the work programme and short term achievements. |