Venue: Virtual meeting
Contact: Pat Trafford. Tel. 01538 395551. Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Mr Garry Cornell and Mr. George Worth. The Mark Johnson attended as substitute for Mr.Worth. |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 29 October 2020 Minutes: DECIDED- That the minutes of the meeting of the Climate Change Working Group held on 29 October 2020 be APPROVED as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
(Proposed by Councillor Yates and seconded by Councillor Plant.) |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made.
The Chair confirmed that this meeting was to take the form of a ‘Catch-up’, with no new business introduced by the Sub Groups. |
Draft Climate Change Plan inc. Timetable Minutes: The Chair confirmed that Cllr. Porter (JP) – SMDC Cabinet member for Climate Change & Biodiversity – and Mark Forrester (MF) – SMDC Democratic & Community Services Manager - would introduce the Draft Climate Change Plan to the group.
JP confirmed that this was a living document, having been approved by Cabinet on 19 January 2021,and was divided into 2 parts:-
Part 1 – Matters directly under SMDC control. A report containing the updated version of this part was to be published in Spring 2021; Part 2 – District wide matters. Partnerships with external organisation. A report containing the updated version of this part was to be published in Autumn 2021.
There was to be a public consultation conducted during Summer 2021 and both parts 1 & 2 would form the Carbon Neutrality Charter which was to be published in November 2021.
JP was meeting with Heads of Service at SMDC and there were some expected ‘quick wins’ contained within Part 1. There were to be ‘Climate Change Champions’ in each service area. The Green Infrastructure Delivery Plan would be contained in Part 2, involving various partners and input was invited from MCA and the Sub Groups to populate it. JP was visiting as many Town and Parish Council meetings as possible and was due to address the Parish Assembly on 28 January accompanied by SCC Cabinet Member for the Environment – Cllr. Julia Jessel. A joint Climate Change Work Programme had been formed between SMDC – SCC and was to also involve Keele University and The Centre for Alternative Technology. The ‘Eco-Schools’ scheme was to form a vital part of this, though the Covid-19 pandemic had diverted attention away. It was hoped to re-focus with schools in the Spring 2021.
SMDC had joined groups in a bid to encourage a cross-party network to collectively lobby Government for better results. Groups joined included APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) and UK 100 Countryside Climate Network. There had been recent success in campaigning to ban the burning of peatlands.
Queries were raised by members as follows (Responses in brackets):- · The document was light on substance, measurement, targets and delivered reduction in Carbon emissions. (The document would be filled out by Spring when feedback had been received. There were 60 nature-based projects ongoing in the Moorlands. The latest batch of new vehicles were the most energy-efficient we could get.) · There was not the capacity in the energy supply chain to achieve 100% green energy consumption. We needed to produce our own solar power. (Recent international developments would impact the green energy market. Green energy was likely to become the cheapest, saving money to boot.) · Of the 1.8 Kilotonnes of carbon emitted per annum, how much was to be reduced through the procurement process and how much to be offset through tree planting. It has previously been noted which of the Council-owned buildings were suitable for the installation of Solar Panels. (There was to be a top to bottom review of the Council’s assets ... view the full minutes text for item 33. |
Summary to date of project suggestions Minutes: The Chair confirmed that this item would feature on every agenda.
Travel & Transport Jo Bagnall (SMDC Senior Regeneration Officer) had attended a meeting. Adrian Felton was leading the way in researching Cycle Routes. There had been a site visit to Cheadle to view the railway line routes. NFU representative due to attend to give guidance on green routes and experts on greener travel were to be invited.
Industry & Agriculture Presentations received from JCB & NFU (there was a need to reach all Staffs Moorlands farmers to see what they wanted to do.) ORNUA were due to give a presentation to the next meeting.
Natural Environment With the Peak District National Park covering one third of our area, a cross-authority working group was needed, as they didn’t have a Climate Change Action Plan or carbon reduction target.