Agenda and minutes

Climate Change Working Group (SMDC Pre 2023) - Thursday, 7th November, 2019 6.30 pm

Venue: Churnet Room, Moorlands House, Leek

Contact: Pat Trafford. Tel. 01538 395551 

No. Item


To approve the Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 62 KB


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 26 September 2019 be APPROVED as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Declarations of interest


There were no declarations made.


Workshop to scope the task


The Democratic and Community Services Manager – Mark Forrester – outlined the format of the meeting to members, which would be held in a workshop format. Given the points raised at the first meeting of the Sub-Committee and also what was discussed at the recent ‘Zero Carbon Britain’ Course held at Moorlands House, six headings had been established:-


1.    The Natural Environment;

2.    Council (SMDC);

3.    Energy;

4.    Travel;

5.    Economy; and

6.    Community.


Everyone present was invited to take part in group discussions, split into 2 groups with each group to consider 3 of the above headings. The outcome of the discussions would feed into future projects for the Sub-Committee and invitations to experts in the field to participate. Each point raised could subsequently be rated on importance, achievability and cost implications. The discussions resulted in the following items:-




·         Ban pesticides at Council level

·         Review all green spaces for ‘re-wilding’

·         Tree planting, wet land restoration

·         Bee friendly corridors

·         Wild flower verges

·         Community engagement – gardens, allotments

·         Business site (redundant & in use) including schools, trusts, PDNP

·         Churnet river system – mapping corridors

·         Moorland/meadow/woodland/pasture (Staffs Wildlife Trust, RSPB, other organisations & reserves, country parks, parks, recreation grounds, cemetaries)

·         Green roofs

·         Schemes to map & research – Green Flag, SMDC awards & recognition, grants

·         Engage farming community – promoting local produce, quality of livestock

·         Bring together existing maps – various Neighbourhood plans.




·         Planning Policy / Supplementary Planning Document and add a renewable requirement, increase insulation standards and alignment of roof designs of industrial & domestic developments top accept south-facing solar panels – Landfill sites ideal

·         Change to ethical bank

·         Business recycling – alternative options. Recycling litter bins, LGO recycling

·         Ice-Cream van licensing

·         Local Enterprise Partnerships / NHS / Utilities

·         Link to schools to support climate change education in the curriculum

·         Taxi licences (Community Minibus etc)

·         Car idling outside schools – enforcement?

·         Permeable built connectivity

·         Sustainability Impact Report – Policy

·         Road development

·         Apps for car sharing





·         Solar Panels on Council-owned land / buildings and beyond

·         Wind Turbines on Council-owned land – Review Planning Policy to allow more Wind Turbines

·         Stoke on Trent City Council had introduced a ‘Solar Scheme’, could invite a senior officer to attend and advise

·         Retrofit insulation – grants?

·         Council to change energy supplier – a 5% cost increase could easily be offset by energy efficiencies (lights off when not needed etc)

·         Need to get the community to reduce energy consumption too, not just SMDC

·         Address fuel poverty

·         Community energy projects (community heating, group energy generation, Solar / Wind Turbines, geo-thermal etc)

·         Michelin – Heat harvesting




·         Reduce the need for travel

·         Clean air zones

·         Electric council vehicles

·         Improve / expand the amount of cycle lanes – embed the idea of cycling with children    - cultural change. Safety concerns regarding schools being on main roads - traffic – include SCC & Police. New developments – easier to influence

·         School ‘Walking Bus’

·         Cars idling outside schools – safe routes to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.