Agenda and minutes

Economy and Growth Select Committee - Thursday, 8th June, 2023 6.30 pm

Venue: Octagon Lounge, Pavilion Gardens, Buxton

Contact: Rachel Rourke Telephone: 01298 28400 ex. 2139  Email:

No. Item


To receive Disclosures of Interest on any matters before the Committee


There were no disclosures of interest.


Any matters referred to the Committee under the call-in procedure




To approve the minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 311 KB




That the minutes of the meeting held on 16 March 2023 be approved as a correct record.


Bite Size Briefing (presentation) pdf icon PDF 199 KB


The Executive Director (Place) made a presentation to the committee which set out:

·         The Council’s Decision Making Process

·         Forward Plan

·         Overview and Scrutiny arrangements

·         Review of Scrutiny

·         Role of Corporate Select Committee

·         The development of a work programme

·         Task & Finish Groups

·         The role of officers


Members were informed about the recent review of scrutiny undertaken by the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny, which made recommendations for further improvements including the establishment of a Select Committee Work Programming Group to oversee Work Programme prioritisation and Member Development.  The Work Programme is to be developed using a prioritisation tool (PAPER) and will be developed further following the priority setting workshop. 


The Leader requested that should members have any requests for items to be scrutinised, that they be submitted to the Chair and Vice-Chair, prior to consideration at the Work Programme Planning Group.


It was noted that training around scrutiny would be provided in the Autumn.


Significant projects that the council are involved in and will require scrutiny included Future High Street Fund, Investment in the Crescent and Crescent Heritage Trust and other significant regeneration projects.


Particular reference was made to the Local Plan Working Group which would be taking forward the review of the Local Plan and elements of policy development and the growth strategy work will be taken forward via that group.



That the presentation be noted.






Nutrient Neutrality - Update pdf icon PDF 317 KB


The Committee received an update on the progress of the nutrient neutrality strategy and action for the Borough which seeks to address this. 


Specific reference was made to the current position as set out at paragraph 6.8 of the report, which set out the work ongoing to develop a Nutrient Neutrality Strategy and Action Plan which will also inform the review of the Local Plan.  The Action Plan, amongst other outputs, will deliver a regional specific nutrient calculator which can be used to determine whether a proposed development is likely to trigger an increase in phosphate loading and what this change would be, to then enable mitigation options to be applied.


The following matters were discussed:


·         Flood risk which can be mitigated by wetlands and encourage bio diversity

·         Developer responsibilities in terms of mitigation

·         The need for collaborative working across agencies and with developers

·         The application of the National Credit Scheme where developments lie outside the SAC

·         SUDs and retro fitting – policy implications to consider as part of the review of the Local Plan

·         Obligation on water companies to clean up polluted waterways




That the progress to date be noted.


Any questions referred to the Executive Member (Member Services to be advised of any questions at least 4 days prior to the meeting)




Exclusion of Press and Public

To resolve that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business as there may be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972





That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business as there may be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972


Future High Street Fund - Presentation


The Committee received a presentation around the Buxton Future High Street Fund (FHSF), for their information.