Venue: Virtual Meeting
No. | Item | ||
HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh Minutes: Councillors observed a minute’s silence in memory of HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh.
Election of Mayor of the Borough Minutes: It was moved by Councillor G. Wharmby and seconded by Councillor J. Wharmby:
That Councillor Paul Hardy be and is hereby elected Chairman of the Council and Mayor of the Borough of High Peak until the next Annual Meeting of the Council and it was RESOLVED accordingly.
The newly elected Mayor, having made and subscribed before the Executive Director and Monitoring Officer the Declaration of Acceptance of Office took the Chair, which was vacated by the outgoing Mayor and thanked members of the Council for electing him to the office of Mayor.
Appointment of the Deputy Mayor of the Borough Minutes: It was moved by Councillor A. McKeown and seconded by Councillor Greenhalgh that:
“Councillor Ollie Cross be and is hereby appointed Vice-Chairman of the Council and Deputy Mayor of the Borough of High Peak until the next Annual Meeting of the Council and it was RESOLVED accordingly.
Councillor Cross then made and subscribed before the Executive Director and Monitoring Officer the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor Minutes: Councillor Siddall moved a vote of thanks to Councillor Ed Kelly, the retiring Mayor. Councillor A. McKeown seconded the motion and it was RESOLVED accordingly.
Councillor Kelly, in response to the vote of thanks, thanked his family and various members of staff and councillors during his mayoral term for their help and assistance.
To receive Disclosures of Interest on any matter before the Council
Minutes: Councillor Abbotts confirmed that she had commenced new employment and had notified Democratic Services accordingly. There were no further declarations of interests made.
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: It was moved by A. McKeown and seconded by Councillor Greenhalgh that the minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 16 February 2021 be approved as a correct record, subject to the correction of typographical errors.
Mayor's announcements Minutes: The Mayor confirmed that his wife, Mary, would be his Mayoress and that he would be raising funds for the Partington Theatre and Glossop Mountain Rescue. |
Size and Political Composition of Committees Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor A. McKeown and seconded by Councillor Greenhalgh that the size and political composition of committees as set out in Appendix A to the report be approved.
When put to the meeting it was RESOLVED accordingly.
Nominations from the Political Groups to Committees and Sub-Committees Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor A. McKeown and seconded by Councillor Greenhalgh that the nominees of the political groups to Committees as tabled, be noted.
When put to the meeting it was RESOLVED accordingly.
Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen Minutes: Development Control Committee
It was moved by Councillor A. McKeown and seconded by Councillor Greenhalgh that Councillor R. McKeown be appointed Chair of Development Control Committee.
When put to the it was RESOLVED accordingly.
It was moved by Councillor A. McKeown and seconded by Councillor Greenhalgh that Councillor Lomax be appointed Vice-Chair of Development Control Committee.
When put to the meeting it was RESOLVED accordingly.
Audit & Regulatory Committee
It was moved by Councillor A. McKeown and seconded by Councillor Greenhalgh that Councillor Thrane be appointed Chair of Audit & Regulatory Committee.
When put to the meeting it was RESOLVED accordingly.
It was moved by Councillor A McKeown and seconded by Councillor Greenhalgh that Councillor Cross be appointed Vice-Chair of Audit & Regulatory Committee.
When put to the meeting it was RESOLVED accordingly.
Standards Committee
It was moved by Councillor A. McKeown and seconded by Councillor Greenhalgh that Councillor Quinn be appointed Chair of Standards Committee.
When put to the meeting it was RESOLVED accordingly.
It was moved by Councillor A. McKeown and seconded by Councillor Greenhalgh that Councillor Roberts be appointed Vice-Chair of Standards Committee.
When put to the meeting it was RESOLVED accordingly.
Licensing Committee
It was moved by Councillor A. McKeown and seconded by Councillor Greenhalgh that Councillor Stone be appointed Chair of Licensing Committee.
When put to the meeting it was RESOLVED accordingly.
It was moved by Councillor A. McKeown and seconded by Councillor Greenhalgh that Councillor Perkins be appointed Vice-Chair of Licensing Committee.
When put to the meeting it was RESOLVED accordingly.
Appointment and Appeals Panel
It was moved by Councillor Greenhalgh and seconded by Councillor Barrow that Councillor A. McKeown be appointed Chair of the Appointment and Appeals Panel.
When put to the meeting it was RESOLVED accordingly.
To approve the schedule of meetings for 2021/22 Minutes: It was moved by Councillor A. McKeown and seconded by Councillor Greenhalgh that the Schedule of Meetings 2021–2022 be approved, subject to further consultations with Group Leaders.
When put to the meeting it was RESOLVED accordingly.
Appointment of Representative to the Police and Crime Panel Minutes: It was moved by Councillor A. McKeown and seconded by Councillor Greenhalgh that Councillor Barrow be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Police and Crime Panel and that Councillor Huddlestone be appointed as substitute representative.
When put to the meeting it was RESOLVED accordingly.