Venue: Dove Room, Moorlands House, Leek
Contact: Sally Hampton - Senior Democratic Services Officer Tel: 01538 395429 Email:
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||
To Approve the Minutes from the Previous Meeting. PDF 206 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes from the previous meeting held on 11 November 2023 be approved
Disclosure of Interests: · Disclosable Pecuniary Interests: · Other Interests
Summary of Projects. PDF 136 KB Minutes: The board received a report which provided an update and reviewed progress on the grants already approved (in previous years) under the Moorlands Partnership Board.
This report dealt with progress to date on
those projects, awaiting commencement, on site or, completed since
the last meeting of the Moorlands Partnership Board.
That the update report be noted.
Financial Summary and Proposed Grant Awards. PDF 242 KB Minutes: The report sought Member's approval to allocate grant funding from the Moorlands Partnership Board (MPB) in 2023/24. The budget for this year is £60,000.
Members discussed the estimates for roof repairs at Derby Street, the availability of accommodation above the retail units and the possibility of a UKSPF grant to support an upgrade to the shop front.
1. That the financial summary in 3.2 be noted.
2. That a maximum grant of £8,000 towards the cost of eligible works totalling £15,745 (VAT NA) for the restoration and manufacture of 3 miner’s lamps at Biddulph be approved. The work will be subject to the standard grant scheme conditions.
3. That Members of the Board approve a 75% grant of £6937 towards the cost of eligible works totalling £9,250 (exc VAT) for the timber repairs and redecoration of Endon Village Hall. The work will be subject to the standard grant scheme conditions and the following technical conditions: All new joinery details to match the existing exactly.
Decoration to be in the original black and white
scheme. 4. That the application for Derby Street be deferred pending the agent making an application for UKSPF. 5. That an additional £173 be spent on the Endon Village Hall project to bring the full spend of the budget in line. 6. A tour of the projects takes place when finished to see where the funding has been spent. |
Any Other Business. Minutes: There was no other business. |