Venue: Council Chamber, Moorlands House, Leek
Contact: Sally Hampton -Senior Democratic Services Officer Tel: 01538 395429 Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||
Appointment of Chair & Vice-Chair. Minutes: The Board appointed Councillor Christina Jebb as Chair and Councillor Linda Malyon as Vice-Chair. |
Disclosure of Interests: · Disclosable Pecuniary Interests: · Other Interests
To Approve the Minutes from the Previous Meeting. PDF 222 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes from the previous meeting held on 21 March 2023 be approved, |
Summary of Projects PDF 137 KB Minutes: The Board received a report which provided an update and reviewed progress on the grants already approved (in previous years) under the Moorlands Partnership Board.
This report dealt with progress to date on
those projects, awaiting commencement, on site or, completed since
the last meeting of the Moorlands Partnership Board. This report was for information only but offered Members an opportunity to comment on progress. The report was presented with an accompanying power point presentation which displayed images of each project.
2016/17 OFFERS: Biddulph Town Council Projects · The Trough – The protective bollards were now in place and a stone sample had been approved for the restoration of the trough. Expired Listed Building Consent had been resubmitted and approved. · Gillow Heath Station – Platform edging works on site imminently.
2020/2021 OFFERS: St Edwards Summerhouses – Repair of grade II listed summer houses within site A contractor had been appointed and awaiting start date.
2021/2022 OFFERS: · Heaton House, Rushton Spencer – Reinstatement of stone boundary wall to match original. Works to reinstate the stone boundary wall were now on site.
· St Giles Church, Cheadle - Funerary Monument repairs. The applicant – Cheadle Discovery Project would be progressing the project in partnership with the Parish Church, which should make getting permissions from the Diocese easier.
· Guild Hall, Alton Castle – Roof repairs. Fund raising and grant awards had secured 100% of the funding required for the repair to the roof of the building. A contractor had been appointed to undertake the works after a tender process and works were due to commence week beginning 10th July. It was anticipated that the works would take between 8-10 weeks, with a target completion date of 29th September.
· 19 Hugo Street, Leek – Sash window reinstatement. All but one of the windows has been installed. The grant has been part paid. The remaining window will not be installed until internal decoration had been completed.
· Ipstones Boundary Post – New boundary post carved and erected. The new boundary post has been cut to size and was ready for carving and should be installed on the 4th August.
· Christ Church, Biddulph Moor – Roof repairs. No update to report. · 2 – 4 Tape Street. Window repairs and decoration complete but grant not paid as yet.
· Upper Tean Heritage trail and map. Two lecterns which display the heritage trail had been installed in two places in Jubilee Park. The map was also available through a QR code to download on mobile devices. Wall plaques identifying key sites and buildings had been designed and ownership approval had been secured. These would be fitted shortly.
· 71 Derby Street, Leek. Architect for the applicant has advised that the cost of new sash windows, even with the grant, it was too expensive and the existing windows would be refurbished. Grant was withdrawn.
· TE Hulme plaque Endon Bank. Plaque now erected and grant paid.
· Endon Station platform repairs. An acceptable plan for the station repairs had been submitted. Written approval from Network ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Financial Summary & Proposed Grant Awards PDF 146 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report which sought Member’s approval to allocate grant funding from the Moorlands Partnership Board (MPB) in 2023/24. The budget for this year was £60,000.
In response to a query in relation to the amount of grant of funding received by Churnet Valley Railway, the Officer confirmed this information would be provided to the Board after the meeting.
RESOLVED: The Board: -
1. NOTED the financial summary in 3.2 of the report;
2. APPROVED a maximum grant of £8,000 towards the cost of eligible works totalling £12,310 (exc VAT) at station building, Endon. The work will be subject to the standard grant scheme conditions and the following technical conditions: · Exact details of all joinery details and opening mechanism to be agreed with the Regeneration Officer prior to manufacture. · Decoration scheme/paint colour to be agreed with the Regeneration Officer. (Having declared and interest, Councillor Jebb did not take part in the vote for this grant application)
3. APPROVED a grant of £1,200 towards the cost of eligible works totalling £1,600 (VAT not applicable) at Endon Station. The work will be subject to the standard grant scheme conditions and the following technical conditions: · Exact details of the new doors to be agreed with the Regeneration Officer prior to manufacture. · Decoration scheme/paint colour to be agreed with the Regeneration Officer. (Having declared and interest, Councillor Jebb did not take part in the vote for this grant application)
4. APPROVED a maximum grant of £8,000 towards the cost of eligible works totalling £26,582 (VAT NA) at Cheddleton Station. The work will be subject to the standard grant scheme conditions and the following technical conditions: · Samples of all new materials to be agreed with the Regeneration Officer. · Decoration scheme to be agreed with the Regeneration Officer. · For the new plinth to be constructed of reused brick from the original signal box.