Agenda and minutes

Moorlands Partnership Board - Tuesday, 26th July, 2022 2.00 pm

Venue: The Council Chamber, Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek. View directions

Contact: Sally Hampton - Democratic Services Officer  Tel: 01538 395429 Email:

No. Item


Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair


Councillor Emery was appointed as Chair of the Board and Councillor Malyon as Vice-Chair.


Councillors observed a minute’s silence in memory of Councillor Hilda Sheldon who had chaired this Board for a number of years.



Notification of any substitute members


Councillor Roberts was substitute member for Councillor Flunder.


To Approve the Minutes from the Previous Meeting. pdf icon PDF 233 KB


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 30 March 2022 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Disclosure of Interests:

·         Disclosable Pecuniary Interests:

·         Other Interests



No declarations of interest were made.


Summary of Projects pdf icon PDF 131 KB


The Board received a report which provided an update and reviewed progress on the grants already approved (in previous years) under the Moorlands Partnership Board.


This report dealt with progress to date on these projects, awaiting commencement, on site or, completed since the last meeting of the Moorlands Partnership Board.

This report was for information only but offered Members an opportunity to comment on progress. The report was presented with an accompanying power point presentation which displayed images of each project.



Project updates and progress


2016/17 OFFERS:


Biddulph Town Council Projects -The Trough, Gillow Heath Station and Halls Road Community Notice Board. The noticeboard would be erected in April. Licences were being obtained to do the work at Gillow Heath Station. The Trough repair was delayed slightly waiting confirmation of a contractor.

2019/2020 OFFERS:        


42 Compton, Leek

No further update to report. 


Leekbrook Rail Track

Grant paid towards the reinstatement of the track bed.

2020/2021 OFFERS:


St Edwards Summerhouses

Formal grant award now made and an updated condition and specification report was being prepared. 


2021/2022 OFFERS:


St Marks Church, Foxt

Works due to commence middle of July.


Heaton House, Rushton Spencer

Planning Permission for the wall was currently being prepared.


Hales Hall Pool Lectern

Grant paid and lectern installed.


Funerary Monuments, St Giles Church, Cheadle

Diocese permissions being sought prior to commencement of works.


St Leonards Church, Ipstones

Since the report had been written, confirmation had now been received advising that the works had been done.


Guild Hall, Alton Castle

Currently fund raising to allow the works to commence later in the year.


19 Hugo Street, Leek

Windows currently being manufactured at joiners.


Boundary Post

Works commencing prior to the end of September.


Foxlow Arts Centre, Leek

Works currently on site and scaffolding erected.


Den Engel, Leek

Works to commence by the end of October.


Christ Church, Biddulph Moor

Fundraising at present and works to commence as soon as possible.




Former garage/barn – Ipstones


The Plough Endon – Redecoration of Mural


RESOLVED: That the update report be NOTED.




Financial Summary and Proposed Grant Awards pdf icon PDF 142 KB


The Board considered a report which sought Members’ approval to allocate grant funding from the Moorlands Partnership Board in 2022/23. The budget for this year was £60,000.


It allowed members to consider applications for environmental enhancement and heritage grants under the MPB for funding toward suitable projects within the district.


Members recalled that given the impact of the pandemic unallocated funds from 2020/21 were rolled forward to the subsequent 4 years funding of the MPB. This resulted in an enhanced budget of £60,350 in 2021/22 followed by a further 3 years with a £60,000 budget. Members noted however that the usual budget rules applied and there is no ability to carry forward any unused allocation. If members recommend approval of the grant applications in the report then the table below represented the current financial position this year.



Budget £60,000 2022/23

Grant offers to date:


Remaining grants budget


Potential grant offers from this report


2 – 4 Tape Street


Upper Tean village trail


Remaining grant budget for 202/23




After the circulation of a revised grant leaflet and publicity within the local press, a significant number of grant applications were generated towards the end of the previous financial year for consideration at the Board meeting in March. As a result, the Board offered grants to all acceptable applications, with the overspend (£11,525) being met from this year’s budget (2022/23).




1)    The Board NOTED the financial summary at 3.1 of the report.


2)    APPROVED a 75% grant at 2 – 4 Tape Street for the repair of 7 traditional sliding sash windows to the front and side elevation only.  Should any MPB funding remain at the end of the financial year, a revised offer be made to award grant funding retrospectively for the windows to the rear of the property. The offer is subject to the following technical conditions:

·       All new joinery details match the existing exactly unless otherwise agreed with the Regeneration Officer.

·       Colour scheme to be agreed with the Regeneration Officer.


3)      APPROVED a 75% grant of £2461 (exc of VAT) towards the Upper Tean Heritage Trail. The work will be subject to the standard grant scheme conditions and the following technical conditions:


·       All the relevant consents (including listed building consent) if necessary, are obtained by the Parish Council prior to installing the information plaques.

·       Details of the design, size and materials of the plaques are approved by the Regeneration Officer prior to manufacture



Any Other Business.


The Board recommended that theConstitution be revised to include reference to substitute members, for a Financial Officer and a Director to be present at future meetings.