Venue: Council Chamber, Moorlands House, Leek
Contact: Sally Hampton - Member & Community Support Officer Tel: 01538 395429 Email:
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item | ||||||||||
Apologies. Additional documents: |
Notification of Substitute Members, if any. Additional documents: Minutes: Cheadle Town Councillor Nigel Wood attended as substitute for Councillor Sue Walley. |
To Approve the Minutes from the Previous Meeting. PDF 200 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Minute No. 64 – Summary of Projects and Update on Progress – showed 42 Crompton Road, Leek. The address is actually 42 Compton, Leek.
RESOLVED – That, subject to the above amendment, the minutes of the meeting held on 16 March 2021 be APPROVED as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Disclosure of Interests: · Disclosable Pecuniary Interests: · Other Interests
Additional documents: Minutes:
Summary of Projects PDF 221 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received an update on progress of the grants already approved in previous years:-
2015/16 OFFERS: Gazebo, Whitehough, Ipstones. Still waiting for doors to be installed and then the scheme would be complete. Officers had agreed with the applicant to extend remaining grant to 31 Dec 2021. If works were not complete by then the grant would be withdrawn.
2016/17 OFFERS: The Trough, Biddulph. Awaiting commencement. No update from Biddulph Town Council.
2017/2018 OFFERS: Funerary Monuments. Ongoing project - The most recently completed monuments were the Thomas Lovatt and Elizabeth Smith memorials at Alton. The following list was left to complete: · Genders Memorial – Biddulph; · Railed enclosure – Horton; · Empson memorial – Kingsley.
2018/2019 OFFERS: Leekbrook Interpretation Panels. The Leek Brook boards were complete, on site and the grant paid.
2019/2020 OFFERS: Halls Road Community Notice Board, Biddulph. Notice boards were complete and in situ. Officers had requested photographs before payment of grant could be made. Despite several emails to chase with Biddulph Town Council, no photographs had been submitted. Grant remained unpaid.
42 Compton, Leek. No further update to report.
55 Chorley Street. Works complete and grant paid.
Kingsley and Froghall Station Platform. Works complete and grant paid.
Leekbrook Rail Track. No further update to report.
2020/2021 OFFERS: Gillow Heath Station. No update from Biddulph Town Council to report.
6 Russell Street, Leek Works complete and request for additional funding (see details on separate report).
ANTICIPATED APPLICATIONS: Cheadle Cards. Potential grant aid for new shopfront.
Biddulph Florists. Potential grant aid for like for like replacement shopfront. Awaiting quotes.
For the benefit of new Board members, the qualifying criteria for receipt of grants was clarified.
RESOLVED – That the report be NOTED. |
Financial Summary and Proposed Grant Awards PDF 232 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The report requested Member approval to allocate grant funding in 2021/22. The budget for the year following the rolling forward of unspent 2020/21 budget was £60,350. The current position was shown:-
Given the larger amount available and the limitations of time available to allocate it (8 months) a number of options had been identified for consideration:-
1. Increase the maximum granny award from £4,000 to £8,000 to encourage the take-up of grants; 2. Increase the grant percentage from 50% to 75% of the total cost; 3. Offer ‘one-off’ enhanced grant offers over and above the proposed new maximum to key strategic conservation projects; 4. Use the Town Centre Manager for the Moorlands – Lisa Hoyland – to actively promote the scheme; 5. Approach the 3 main Town Councils to directly invite any potential projects. Money could then be allocated to each Town Council en-bloc.
Members spoke in favour of the above options but were keen to also include Parish Councils in No. 5 above. Examples of sites where grants would be potentially of assistance were The Royal Oak, Cheadle and the former W H Smiths shop, Cheadle.
RESOLVED – That the above 5 options be APPROVED for adoption from this point, with the addition to option 5 for approach to be made to all Parish Councils.
6 Russell Street, Leek – Works had been completed in the restoration of 4 sash windows but additional works had become evident during the process resulting in an anticipated £700 extra cost.
RESOLVED – That an additional 50% grant of £350 be APPROVED towards the additional cost.
St Edwards Estate Summer Houses, Cheddleton – This was the second application considered by the Board. The previous application resulted in a grant of £4,000 in 2017, later withdrawn following concerns over the lack of public access and enjoyment of the summer houses. A recent change of directors of the management company had resulted in a renewed effort to work with the Parish Council, with discussions taking place regarding the use of the summer houses for an annual fete.
Whilst members were in favour of awarding the grant, it was felt necessary to consult with Cheddleton Parish Council for their view.
RESOLVED – That, subject to Cheddleton Parish Council agreement, an enhanced grant of £8,000 be APPROVED towards the repair of the 6 summer houses on the St Edwards Estate. The work would be subject to the standard grant scheme conditions and the following technical conditions:-
· That the scope of works and a detailed repair specification be agreed in writing with the Conservation Officer and Grants Officer prior to the commencement of the works or manufacture of any components; · Colour schemes to be agreed with the Conservation Officer and Grants Officer.
Any Other Business. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Fallows noted that there had been no further action regarding Cheadle Cards since the previous meeting. The Grants Officer confirmed that The regeneration officer had already indicated an £8,000 grant could be justified towards Cheadle cards given that the property occupied a corner plot and had 2 shop frontages. Despite this the owner was still reluctant to consider a grant.