Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Sally Hampton - Member & Community Support Officer Tel: 01538 395429 Email:
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||
To Approve the Minutes from the Previous Meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Due to technical difficulties experienced by Coucillor Sheldon, the meeting was chaired by Councillor Hart (Vice-Chair).
RESOLVED:That the minutes of the meeting held on the 4th November 2020 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair, subject to, Councillor Gledhill’s apologies being recorded for this meeting.
Disclosure of Interests: · Disclosable Pecuniary Interests: · Other Interests
Additional documents: Minutes:
Summary of Projects and Update on Progress. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a report on the current status of projects at:
2015/16 OFFERS:
Gazebo, Whitehough, Ipstones Still waiting for doors to be installed and then the scheme
would be complete. Officers recommended that if the works were not
complete by 30 June 2021 the remaining grant of £1,000 was
withdrawn. 2016/17 OFFERS:
The Trough, Biddulph Awaiting commencement.
2018/2019 OFFERS:
Foxlowe, Leek Works to repair the roof were complete and the final payment of grant had been made. The render repairs were also complete and payment of the grant had been made.
Leekbrook Interpretation Panels The Leekbrook boards were with the designers and it was hoped to place the order with Leek Signs imminently.
2019/2020 OFFERS:
Halls Road Community Notice Board, Biddulph Notice boards were complete and in situ. Officers had requested photographs before payment of grant could be made.
42 Compton, Leek No further update.
55 Chorley Street Works currently on site.
St Johns the Evangelist Church, Hollington Works complete and grant paid
Kinglsey and Froghall Station Platform The applicant was currently collating quotes for the work. Subject to availability of a suitable contractor they hope to commence works in approximately 3 months time.
Leekbrook Rail Track No further update.
2020/2021 OFFERS:
Gillow Heath Station No update to report.
Financial Summary and Proposed Grant Awards. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a report which contained a financial summary and sought Member’s approval to allocate grant funding from the Moorlands Partnership Board in 2020/21. The budget for this year was £50,000.
The Finance Team had
agreed to roll forward any unallocated funds to the subsequent 4
years funding of the MPB. That would equate to an enhanced budget
of £60,350 in 2021/22 followed by a further 3 years with a
£60,000 budget. However, the usual budget rules would apply
and there would be no ability to carry forward any unused
allocation. Joanne Brooks (Regeneration Officer), also advised members that she had received a number of grant enquiries and that an application from Cheadle Cards, High Street in Cheadle was likely to be received in July 2021.
The Board discussed the possibility of an application for grant funding to be received for the repair of the summer houses at St Edwards Park in Cheddleton. A grant had previously been withdrawn for this project as the applicant was unable to demonstrate sufficient public access to the buildings. However, the new management were keen to proceed with the refurbishment and work with the Parish Council to address the issue around the public access. A Board member also confirmed that the summer houses were in public areas.
RESOLVED: 1) The Board NOTED the financial summary in 3.1 of the report and proposed enhanced funding for future years in paragraph 3.2.
2) Members APPROVED a 50% grant of £3,650 towards the repair of 4 sliding sash windows at the upper floor of 6 Russell Street, Leek at a cost of £7,300. |
Any Other Business. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and the date of the next meeting (provisionally mid-July 2021), would be circulated to members in due in course.