Venue: Virtual Meeting on Microsoft Teams
Contact: Mr. Pat Trafford, Democratic Services. (01538) 395551
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
Minutes of the Meeting of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee held on 06 March 2020 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the meeting of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee held on 6 March 2020 be APPROVED as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Urgent items of business, if any. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
Declarations of interest, if any. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Alicia Patterson – Head of Environmental Health – updated members on the current situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
As of 27 October 2020 there had been more than 43.5 million confirmed cases worldwide, with more than 1.15 million deaths. Details regarding transmission, symptoms, preventative measures, legislation were outlined, together with the timeline of different stages of restrictions that were imposed throughout the UK. The most recent ‘Lockdown’ was imposed throughout England on 5 November 2020 and was due to expire on 2 December 2020, after which the ‘Tier’ approach would be adopted on a regional basis. From that date, all of Staffordshire and Derbyshire would be in Tier 3 (Very High Alert).
Appended to the report was an LA COVID-19 Checklist, detailing requirements in a Tier 1 (Medium risk) area. In addition to the measures shown in the checklist, Tier 3 requirements were:-
· No meeting indoors with anyone you don’t live with; · No meeting outdoors with more than 6 people; · All hospitality outlets to remain closed, with only takeaway, click & collect or delivery of food allowed; · Indoor entertainment venues to remain closed (Zoos etc); · Leisure Centres allowed to open, but no exercise classes to take place; · No large outdoor events to take place except driving events; · Maximum of 15 guests at Weddings, 30 at Funerals.
Responding to a member query where a ‘Track & Trace’ Centre had been set up next to an allotment site, Alicia confirmed that, provided masks were worn by attendees at the Track & Trace centre, the outdoor nature meant that the risk of transmission was greatly reduced.
RESOLVED – That the report be NOTED. |
Enforcement Activity Additional documents: Minutes: The Licensing service had remained operational throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and had engaged in a number of enforcement actions, though kept to a minimum. It was noted that most businesses in the district had been at least attempting to comply with the restrictions in place.
Activity carried out was summarised as follows:-
· 68 Reminder letters / emails to Taxi Drivers to renew Hackney, Private Hire or Operators Licences; · 20 reports via Police of premises not adhering to COVID-19 Regulations; · 8 Temporary Event Notices (with alcohol) issued; · 29 Personal alcohol Licenses issued; · 8 Pavement Licenses issued; · 5 Applications received for the grant of a Premises Licence; · 3 Minor Variation applications received; · 5 Applications received for a Variation of a Premises Licence; · 10 Notice checks for new premises applications and applications to Vary licences including revisits; · 1 Enforcement evening visit to Whiston Hall regarding Music Event; · No Pubwatch meetings had taken place.
Members passed on their thanks to the Licensing Team for their exceptional work, having received contact from Licensees referring to the invaluable support received.
RESOLVED – That the report be NOTED. |
Chair/Members' Questions/Issues. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no questions or issues raised. |
Date of Next Meeting - 19 March 2021 Additional documents: |