Agenda and minutes

Housing Select Committee - Thursday, 23rd March, 2017 6.30 pm

Venue: The Cafe, Pavilion Gardens, Buxton. View directions

No. Item


To receive Disclosures of Interest on any matters before the Committee


Councillor J McCabe declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in agenda item 7a Homelessness update and withdrew from the meeting while this item was considered (reason: work for Crossroads Derbyshire which has received a grant from Homeless grant).


To approve minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 27 KB


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held 9 June 2016 be approved as a correct record.


Housing White Paper Update pdf icon PDF 91 KB


The report updated members on the Housing White Paper ‘fixing our broken housing market’ which was open for consultation.


Issues discussed included:

·         Flexibility of the Local Plan

·         Increased planning fees to fund investment in the planning service

·         Challenge to identify land ownership

·         £45m Land Release Fund to cover the entire country

·         Permissions not necessarily resulting in built houses, time limits and possible review

·         Fees for planning appeals

·         Stalled sites for housing and potential revision of compulsory purchase powers

·         Abandoned properties in the private sector

·         Consultation open to individuals


RESOLVED: That the contents of the report be noted.



Housing Repairs Procurement pdf icon PDF 90 KB


Consideration was given to authorising the Operational Services Team (Housing Repairs and Maintenance) to undertake a number of procurement exercises to support the repairs service.


Discussion took place on:

·        Defining contractual arrangements

·        Clearing void properties

·        Review underway, individual consideration and current rolling 30 day contract

·        OJEU EU procurement thresholds and possible use of in house staff

·        Local community interest company




1.            That the procurement exercises detailed within the report be authorised for completion during 2017-18 and 2018-19.


2.            That the Executive Councillor for Finance and Corporate Services be authorised to award contracts, that require Executive approval, to the Council’s preferred supplier following consultation with the Chair of Housing Select Committee.


(Councillor J Mc Cabe left the meeting before the following item was considered).



Homelessness Update pdf icon PDF 58 KB


There was an update on the expenditure of the Homelessness Prevention Budget 2017/18 and proposed Second Homes Council Tax allocation for 2017/18.


Issues considered included:

·         Support for families in crisis

·         Legislation emerging and needing to monitor

·         Existing and future allocation policy

·         Agencies and possible paperless agenda

·         Practical support for the vulnerable and those not on-line

·         Further consideration of tools available on the choice system




1.               That the Homelessness Budget distribution for 2017/18 be noted, subject to the approval of the Second Homes Council Tax bid.


2.               That information on the Homelessness Reduction Bill, as well as plans to review the Homelessness Strategy and funded schemes, as the regulations emerge be noted.


(Councillor J McCabe rejoined the meeting for consideration of the following item.)



Select Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 44 KB


Fairfield Road Project – Ward Councillors to be updated and to a future meeting.

Tenants’ scrutiny to be considered.

Information on review of neighbourhood teams/inspections to be circulated.


RESOLVED: That the work programme as amended be noted.