Agenda and draft minutes

Community Select Committee - Wednesday, 25th September, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: The Octagon Lounge, Pavilion Gardens, Buxton. View directions

Contact: Kerry Cummings 07581 017332  Email:

No. Item


To receive Disclosures of Interest on any matters before the Committee

i)              Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

ii)             Other Interests


There were no disclosures of interest.


Any matters referred to the Committee under the call-in procedure




Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 229 KB


Further to Minute 25/46, the Leader advised that a report relating to High Peak CVS would be considered by the Executive in December 2024.



That the minutes of the meeting held on 26 June 2024 be approved as a correct record.


Mowing Regimes Changes pdf icon PDF 254 KB


The Executive Councillor for Climate Change and Environment introduced the report, which outlined the considerations for a proposed change to the formal approach of green space maintenance in some initial locations, and aimed to develop certain sites where a more blended, sustainable approach could be implemented with regard to mowing regimes.


Discussion was held regarding the importance of early communications with residents, and ensuring that a communications strategy is ready to be rolled out as soon as possible over the Autumn/Winter, in readiness for the Spring.


No Mow May was discussed, and Members raised the issue of highway safety when verges become too high, potentially causing an obstruction.  Members requested that this issue is taken into account during selection of sites.


Officers were requested to provide Members with information relating to mowing regimes.



1.    That the Executive be recommended to approve the recommendation as set out in paragraph 2.1 of the report.

2.    That, subject to approval of the above recommendation by the Executive:

·           clear and early communication with residents takes place, to ensure that they know what the Council is doing, and what the plans are;

·           highway safety is considered during selection of ‘No Mow May’ sites; and

·           members are provided with details of mowing regimes, once available.




Community Banking & Financial Inclusion pdf icon PDF 413 KB

Additional documents:


The Leader thanked officers for the report, which he presented to the Committee.  The report provided an update on bank closures and access to cash services in the High Peak and made recommendations for developing further understanding and exploring potential solutions.


Members discussed the content of the report and suggested further areas for review as a result of the closures, as follows:


·         Impact on those with disabilities

·         Climate Change impact due to increased distances travelled to visit a bank

·         Identification of worst affected areas (banking deserts) which would inform future decisions regarding location of potential hubs



1.    That the Executive be recommended to approve the recommendations as set out in paragraphs 2.1 to 2.3 of the report; and to

2.    Support the further areas of review, as suggested by members, and set out above. 






Select Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 395 KB



That the Select Committee Work Programme be noted.


Any questions referred to the Executive Member (Democratic Services to be advised of any questions at least 4 days prior to the meeting)




Exclusion of press and public

To resolve that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business as there may be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972



That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business, as there may be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.



Exempt Minutes of the Previous Meeting



That the exempt minutes of the meeting held on 26 June 2024 be approved as a correct record.



Clear Hold Build


The Committee received an update relating to Clear, Hold, Build.


Leisure Operating Model Update


The Committee received an update on the future operating model for Leisure Services.