Venue: Octagon Lounge, Pavilion Gardens, Buxton
Contact: Kerry Cummings Email:
No. | Item |
To receive Disclosures of Interest on any matters before the Committee i) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests ii) Other Interests Minutes: There were no disclosures of interest. |
Any matters referred to the Committee under the call-in procedure Minutes: None. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 235 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 24th January 2024 be approved as a correct record. |
Clear, Hold, Build - Update from Head of Communities & Climate Change Minutes: The Head of Communities and Climate Change informed the Committee about the Home Office’s ‘Clear, Hold, Build’ initiative, where the Police work alongside other agencies, including HPBC. The new approach, named ‘Project Unity’ for the Buxton area, will see Police forces pursue gang members to Clear an area; maintain a Hold over the location to prevent other gangs from taking control; and then work with communities to Build resilience in an area so it is less susceptible to the draw of crime groups.
The Officer stated that HPBC has received £306,000 after successfully bidding in round 5 of the Safer Streets Funding to be used towards Policing and addressing the issues. As a consequence of this funding, the Officer introduced the newly appointed Safer Streets Co-ordinator, who knows the Fairfield area well and has existing links with the relevant agencies etc.
Action so far has been mainly by the Police, with an increase in high visibility policing, and specific operations. Since November 2023, actions include 70 related arrests and £10,000 worth of drugs seized.
Workshops with various partners have taken place to identify actions to support the ‘Clear, Hold, Build’ initiative, and it is important to work with the community to develop ideas together. Local issues identified include: -
· A cluster of difficult to manage properties (particularly Fairfield Road) · Poor visual appearance · Lack of employment/low aspirations of residents · Disproportionate number of Class A drug users · Community engagement/resilience
Work is now ongoing to finalise the Strategy and form a Delivery Plan. Over the next 12 months, the Safer Streets Co-ordinator will be identifying measures that can be put into place to address these issues, and will also be encouraged to visit other areas and adopt best practice.
Input from members will be an important part of the process, and it was suggested that a Working Group be established where issues can be reviewed in detail and progress driven forwards. This suggestion was welcomed by members, and nominations will be invited from Group Leaders in due course.
1. That the update be received with thanks.
2. That a Working Group be established on a politically balanced basis, to review issues in detail and drive progress.
a. High Peak CVS - Annual Report 2022/23 b. Voluntary Sector – Current Climate & Challenges Additional documents: Minutes: The High Peak CVS Chief Executive Officer was in attendance and provided a presentation relating to the services provided by the CVS, and current challenges faced generally within the voluntary sector.
Areas of concern for the next 12-24 months were lack of funding and reserves; in addition to the number of statutory services being cut, which has a significant impact on the CVS.
HPBC was thanked for its financial support, and the CEO stated that he is part of a fantastic team, working hard to support the local community.
Suggestions regarding how the CVS can further support groups and charities, especially those just setting out, would be welcomed.
A member commented that the assistance provided by the CVS was invaluable when setting up their charity; and that the process was explained very clearly.
Social Prescribing was discussed in more detail and members were invited to contact the CVS directly for further discussion. Members were advised that contact from the public regarding new ideas is welcomed, and that this is usually the mechanism by which things are set up, however, stated that there are limits to the service they can provide due to resources.
The reduction in the number of volunteers was discussed, causes and actions to address. The view was expressed that there has been ‘a perfect storm’ of reasons for the reduction in numbers of volunteers, for example, the pandemic, rise in retirement age and increased cost of living. Work needed to be done around engagement and promotion of the benefits of volunteering, working alongside HPBC and other partners.
That the presentation be received with thanks. |
Any questions referred to the Executive Member (Democratic Services to be advised of any questions at least 4 days prior to the meeting) Minutes: None. |
Select Committee Work Programme PDF 387 KB Minutes: The following items were suggested for inclusion in future work programmes: -
· Banking Hub – PAPER analysis complete and item will be included in work programme. Report from Communities Team to follow. · AES – maintenance of green spaces and communication.
In light of the new Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023, the Executive Director (Governance and Commissioning) suggested that a formal sub-committee be convened to review the way in which the Council operates and manages housing stock, ensuring engagement with ward councillors throughout the process.
It was noted that the Head of Housing has already carried out much work on tenant engagement.
Nominations will be sought from Group Leaders in due course.
1. That, subject to the above, the Select Committee Work Programme be noted.
2. That a sub-committee be established on a politically balanced basis to review the way in which the Council operates and manages housing stock, which will include engagement with relevant ward councillors and tenants.