Agenda and minutes

Community Select Committee - Wednesday, 24th January, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Virtual Meeting

Contact: Kerry Cummings, Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


To receive Disclosures of Interest on any matters before the Committee

i)              Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

ii)             Other Interests


There were no disclosures of interest.


Any matters referred to the Committee under the call-in procedure




Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 221 KB




That the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd November 2023 be approved as a correct record.


Parkwood - Annual Review of Performance (Presentation) pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Parkwood Leisure Officers were in attendance and provided a presentation in relation to the High Peak Leisure and Pavilion Gardens contracts.


The High Peak Leisure update included information relating to Healthy Communities; Musculoskeletal (MSK) Hubs; Net Promotor Score; contract highlights; Fitness and Swimming Lessons; Customer feedback; Social Media; Maintenance/Capital Investment; Energy Management; Move More Strategy; and targets going forward.


Members raised that there is no information available on the Parkwood Leisure website regarding the MSK pilot currently taking place at Buxton Leisure Centre.  The Parkwood Officer advised that the scheme was launched in September 2023, and is a self-referral scheme.  He stated that the website would be reviewed and updated accordingly.  Data relating to usage and numbers was requested by members.


It was noted that membership numbers are lower at Buxton Leisure Centre compared to other centres.  The Parkwood Leisure Officer explained that this is due to Buxton having smaller facilities, i.e. gym and fitness studio.


A Menopause support scheme is currently being trialled at Glossop Leisure Centre, and this has been successful.  This will be rolled out to other sites in the future, once staff have received the relevant training.


Improving available facilities for young people in the Buxton area was discussed.  Parkwood Leisure advised that the gym is extremely popular with young people, and this is an area that they are looking at developing further, for example, providing bespoke group exercise sessions.  However, the size of the facilities available at the site makes this more challenging.


A query was raised in relation to the number of Leisure staff under the age of 21, and Parkwood Leisure was requested to provide the relevant data.  Lifeguard/Teacher Training fees and recruitment were also discussed. 


Members enquired regarding recycling within the staff and public areas at Buxton Leisure Centre and the Pavilion Gardens complex.  Further information and evidence of recycling currently in place was requested by members.


The Pavilion Gardens update gave an overview of events and developments in 2023; customer footfall; Facebook ‘likes’; customer feedback; and looking forward to projects and developments in 2024.


Issues were raised by members regarding the Ladies toilets within the main Pavilion Gardens complex, for example, leaking cisterns, several taps not working and the unpleasant odour often evident.  Parkwood Leisure advised that these matters would be inspected and actioned accordingly.


The Pavilion Gardens boating concession was discussed and the issue with regards to water quality of the lake.  Members requested joint activity between the relevant partners (Alliance Environmental Services, High Peak Borough Council and Parkwood Leisure) to improve the water quality and look for preventative solutions; and for good communication with the public in the event that the weed growth recurs during the summer of 2024.


Use of single use cutlery, cups etc within the Pavilion Gardens complex was raised by members.  Parkwood Leisure advised that they will review the onsite arrangements, however, advised that they currently recycle cans; have switched from plastic to paper straws and wooden stirrers; use 100% recyclable cups; and encourage customers  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24/29


AES - Annual Review of Performance (Presentation) pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Alliance Environmental Services (AES) attended the meeting and provided a presentation looking at 2022/23 reflections and contractual Key Performance Indicators; financial performance; and Savings Plan update.  It then looked ahead in terms of future development.  An update was provided regarding the Simpler Recycling project and depots.


Members enquired regarding community engagement in relation to the Simpler Recycling programme and how AES are communicating with towns and parishes regarding the upcoming changes.  AES advised that part of the project is to ensure that good communication is in place with the public, and specific areas will be targeted, for example, rural areas. 


AES advised that the logistics of the new recycling scheme and collection of food waste and green waste are yet to be determined, and there are various options for the project team to consider.  These options will then be presented to the Commissioning Team for wider discussion, including with members.


A query was raised with regards to recruitment of seasonal staff.  AES advised that, historically, seasonable recruitment has been challenging, however, over the last three years, they have reduced the requirement for seasonal staff by approximately 20% by creating additional full time roles, and recruiting existing seasonal staff to full time. 




That the presentation be received with thanks.








Alliance Norse - Disabled Facilities Grants (Presentation) pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Alliance Norse attended the meeting and provided a presentation regarding the April 2023 launch of the Alliance Disabled Facilities Grants N-Able service.  Information was shared including the benefits of moving the service to Alliance Norse; the structure of the team providing the service; number of cases approved/completed; and key performance indicators.


It was noted that due to the number of referrals received, the scheme was overdelivered against budget allocation for the first 3 quarters of 2023/24.  Additional funding has now been agreed by the Council to reflect the number of eligible cases.


Alliance Norse advised that it is not known what the potential unmet demand is for the DFG service, and that more work on raising awareness would be required going forwards.




That the presentation be received with thanks.







Select Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 111 KB


The following were suggested for inclusion in future work programmes:


·         Clear, Hold, Build – Derbyshire Police and Head of Communities & Climate Change (March meeting)

·         Disabled Facilities Grants – annual update

·         Decent Homes Programme/Private Sector Housing

·         Recycling – this will be addressed by AES in future updates

·         Peaks and Planes – decision making process and rationale




That, subject to the above, the Select Committee Work Programme be noted.


Any questions referred to the Executive Member (Democratic Services to be advised of any questions at least 4 days prior to the meeting)




Exclusion of Press and Public




That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business as there may be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.



Exempt Minutes from Previous Meeting




That the exempt minutes of the meeting held on 22nd November 2023 be approved as a correct record.