Venue: The Board Room, Pavilion Gardens, Buxton
Contact: Linden Vernon Email: or Tel: 01538 395613
No. | Item | ||||
Declarations of Interest
Minutes: There were no declarations made. |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting PDF 227 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 30 March 2023 be approved as a correct record.
Appointments to Outside Bodies PDF 120 KB Minutes: The purpose of the report is to appoint councillors to outside bodies.
Options considered:
Statutory guidance for authorities operating executive arrangements, states that the Executive should make appointments to all those outside bodies whose functions are executive functions. All other appointments should be made by Council. Appendix A would be circulated to set out the organisations for which representatives are appointed.
That councillors be appointed to the various outside bodies, as detailed in Appendix A.
Statement of Community Involvement PDF 277 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The report advised the Executive of the results of consultation on the Council’s updated Statement of Community Involvement.
Options considered:
There were two options:
Option 1 – Decline to recommend a revised Statement of Community Involvement for adoption. Local planning authorities were required under Section 18 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) to produce a Statement of Community Involvement. Not recommended.
Option 2 – Recommend any modifications/or not to the updated Statement of Community Involvement, consulted on January – March 2023, and the document’s subsequent adoption by full Council. The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) describes how the Council will seek to engage with residents, businesses and other organisations in decision making on planning policy documents and planning applications in the part of the High Peak outside of the Peak District National Park. Recommended.
1. That the contents of the report be noted.
2. That the Statement of Community Involvement be approved, subject to the inclusion of an Executive Summary, such that a final version of the document can be considered for adoption by Full Council.
Developer Contributions SPD PDF 272 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The report notified councillors of the responses received to the public consultation on the draft Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The report and appendices also provide details of suggested responses from the Council to consultation feedback as well as suggested modifications to be made to the SPD. It was agreed that further amendments could put forward, in consultation with the Planning Portfolio holder, and that these would be reported separately in an addendum to Council.
Options considered:
The Executive was requested to recommend approval of the Developer Contributions SPD. The Developer Contributions SPD set out what would be required to mitigate or manage the impact of new developments and the financial contributions provided by developers to pay for infrastructure to meet the needs of their development (Recommended).
Members decide not to recommend approval of the Developer Contributions SPD. The information and guidance within the document would not be available (Not recommended).
1. That the feedback to the public consultation, suggested Council responses and modifications to the SPD be noted.
2. That Council be recommended to adopt the Developer Contributions SPD, subject to further amendments in consultation with the Planning Portfolio holder, and that these would be reported separately in an addendum.
Development of the High Peak Borough Plan 2023-2027 PDF 336 KB Minutes: The purpose of the report was to set out the process for the development of the High Peak Borough Plan 2023-2027 which will replace the current Corporate Plan. It was reported that a revised date would be issued shortly for the Priority Setting Workshop.
Options considered:
There are no options to consider at this stage
That the process for the development of the High Peak Borough Plan 2023-2027 be noted.
Executive Portfolios and Member Champions |
Executive Portfolios 2023/24 PDF 185 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The report confirmed the portfolio details for members of the Executive as appointed by the Leader of the Council at the Annual Council meeting, and to confirm the role description for the Assistant Executive Members.
Options considered:
There were no options to consider.
That the details within the appendices attached to the report be noted.
Member Champions 2023/24 PDF 97 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The report provided further information on the role of member champions as detailed within the Member Champion Protocol.
Options considered:
There were no options to consider.
That the details within the Member Champion Protocol be noted.