Agenda and minutes

The Executive - Thursday, 11th August, 2022 6.00 pm

Venue: The Board Room, Pavilion Gardens, Buxton

Contact: Linden Vernon Email: or Tel: 01538 395613 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


Disclosable Pecuniary Interests


Other Interests



There were no declarations made.


To approve the minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 241 KB




That the minutes of the meeting held on 23 June 2022 be approved as a correct record.



Homeless Strategy pdf icon PDF 378 KB

Additional documents:


The report outlined to members the Derbyshire wide Homeless Strategy for 2022-27, which had been developed through close collaboration with all Derbyshire Housing leads for each authority, Portfolio holders, NHS, Police, Probation and voluntary sector agencies.  The report was considered by the Community Select Committee on 6 July 2022.  It was confirmed that the report has been circulated to all councillors and outside agencies.


Options considered:


As detailed in the report.




That the content of the report and the delivery of the Homelessness strategy county wide be noted and supported.



Fourth Quarter Financial, Procurement and Performance Review 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 414 KB

Additional documents:


The purpose of the report was to inform members of the Council’s overall performance and financial position for the period ended 31st March (“Fourth Quarter 2021/22”) The report was considered by the Corporate Select Committee on 25 July 2022.  The position was summarised as follows:






The Finance headlines for the Fourth Quarter were:

Performance against Budget

·         At the Quarter Four stage the General Fund provisional outturn for 2021/22 was an underspend of £2,103,407

Efficiency Programme

·         The savings target for 2021/22 had been achieved in the year.

Housing Revenue Account

·          The Housing Revenue Account was in surplus (against budget) by £693,282 at the Quarter Four (provisional outturn) stage.

Capital Programme

·         The General Fund Capital Programme budget for 2021/22 as revised is £4.95 million.  The outturn is £4.44 million, representing an underspend of £0.51 million at year end.

·         The HRA Programme for 2021/22 as revised is £6.40 million.  The outturn is £6.24 million which represents a £0.16 million underspend.

Treasury Management

·         Cash investments held at 31st March 2022 totalled £30 million.

·         Council borrowing at 31st March 2022 totalled £66.8 million.

·         The Council’s net interest general fund budget is in surplus by £77,981.

Revenue Collection

·         98.10% of Council Tax was collected by 31st March 2022, compared to 97.84% for the same period last year.

·         98.70% of Business Rates was collected by 31st March 2022 compared with 98.12% for the same period last year.

·         At the end of Quarter Four the value of sundry debt over 60 days old was £140,275 which compares to £182,978 at 31st March 2021

Appendix A


The Procurement headlines for the Fourth Quarter were:

·       20 procurement activities were completed

·       The Procurement forward plan included 21 procurement activities for completion/start in 2022/23 (either HPBC only or joint)

·        At the 31st March 2022, 52% of procurement activity undertaken was on the forward plan.

Appendix B


The Performance headlines for the Fourth Quarter were:

·        68% of the key performance indicators met target, with 42% of measures performing  better than last year

·        The Council received 108 complaints, 461 comments and 72 compliments in the Fourth Quarter.


Appendix C


Options considered:


Detailed Analysis was contained within the appendices.




1.     That the Fourth Quarter 2021/22 financial, procurement and performance position detailed in Appendices A, B and C and summarised at 3.3 of the covering report be noted.


2.     That the allocation of the surplus on the General Fund Revenue Account to reserves as explained in Appendix A (paragraph 2.11) be approved.


3.     That the proposal to carry forward unspent revenue budget as described in Appendix A (Paragraph 2.14) be approved.


4.     That the proposals to carry forward unspent capital budget as set out in Appendix A (Paragraph 6.5 and 7.5) be approved.



Local Development Scheme pdf icon PDF 529 KB

Additional documents:


The purpose of the report was to consider and agree the new Local Development Scheme that establishes the timetable for proposed planning policy documents, including the updated High Peak Local Plan and Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document.   It was reported that the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill may have an impact on the Local Development Scheme and that typographical errors would be corrected.


Options considered:


The Council must publish an updated Local Development Scheme. The timescales proposed for the Local Plan and Developer Contributions SPD are considered to be the most expedient possible having regard to the requirements in the regulations and the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement and the level of resource available  to support plan making. 




1.    That the content of the proposed Local Development Scheme be noted.


2.    That the continued role of Local Plan Steering Group be noted.


3.    That the Statement of Community Involvement be reviewed via the Local Plan Steering Group.


4.    That the Local Development Scheme be approved so that it shall take effect from 1st September 2022 (subject to call in).



HPBC Response to the Energy Crisis


A report would be issued shortly with regards to the Council’s response to the energy crisis.


To resolve that the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items because there may be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.




That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business as there may be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.



To approve the exempt minutes of the previous meeting




That the exempt minutes of the meeting held on 23 June 2022 be approved as a correct record.