Agenda and minutes

Annual Meeting, Council (SMDC) - Wednesday, 15th May, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Moorlands House, Leek

Contact: Linden Vernon 01538 395613  Email:


Webcast: View the webcast

No. Item


Remarks by Retiring Chairman of the Council.

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The retiring Chairman thanked families and friends, the Vice-Chairman, Cllr Ian Plant and Mrs Kath Plant for their support during the year and also thanked the Chairman’s support team.


Election of Chairman of the Council.

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That Councillor I. Plant be appointed as Chairman of the Council until the next Annual Meeting.



Vote of Thanks to Retiring Chairman

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Councillors thanked the retiring Chairman and her Consort for their service during the year in council meetings, acting fairly and firmly, and by attending civic functions representing the Authority.


Appointment of Vice-Chairman of the Council.

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Nominations were received for Councillor A. Parkes and Councillor J. Porter for the position of Vice-Chairman of the Council.




That Councillor A. Parkes be appointed as Vice-Chairman of the Council until the next Annual Meeting.



Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 662 KB

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That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 28 February 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of interest

1.    Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

2.    Other Interests

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The following declaration was made:-


Agenda Item

Members Declaring Interest

Nature of Interest

General – any matters arising relating to Staffordshire Police/NHS

Cllr. Porter

Employed by Staffordshire Police/NHS

Item 20 - Checkley Neighobiurhood Plan

Cllrs. Flunder, Hulme and Wilkinson

Other Interest - Members of Checkley Parish Council



Chairman's or Leader's announcements and correspondence, if any.

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The  Chairman of the Council thanked the retiring Chairman for her support and confirmed that he would be fundraising for Moorlands Home Link and Prostate Cancer during the year ahead with his wife Mrs Kath Plant who would be his Consort.


The Leader of the Council thanked everyone for their contribution to the work of the Council made which had included constructtive and positive debates. The Leader also thanked directors, heads of service and Council staff for their support - many projects would be coming to fruition to improve the life of everyone in the Staffordshire Moorlands.


To receive the allocation of seats on Overview and Scrutiny Panels and Committees/Boards from Group Leaders (to be tabled at the meeting). pdf icon PDF 86 KB

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That the allocation of seats on Overview and Scrutiny Panels/ Committees/Boards etc., as submitted by Group Leaders, be approved.



Election of Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Overview and Scrutiny Panels and Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Committees/Boards pdf icon PDF 15 KB

Additional documents:




That the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Overview and Scrutiny Panels and Committees, as attached to these minutes be approved.



To confirm the appointment of Officers to the Local Plan Steering Group as follows: Executive Director (Governance and Regulatory Services), Head of Development Services, Principal Planning Officer.

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That the appointment of the following Officers to the Local Development Framework Working Party be confirmed:


·       Executive Director (Governance and Regulatoey Services)

·       Head of Development Services

·       Principal Planning Officer



Development of Enhanced Partnerships with Town and Parish Councils pdf icon PDF 216 KB

Additional documents:


The report proposed to members a revised approach to the appointment of Chairman of the Parish Assembly via the annual appointment to outside bodies.  This formed part of the Council’s priority action to develop enhanced partnerships with town and parish councils.


As an AMENDMENT it was proposed that the decision be subject to ratification by the Parish Assembly.  On being put to the vote the AMENDMENT was LOST.




That from 2024/25, as part of the appointment to outside bodies process, the Council selects from amongst its elected members the Chairman of the Parish Assembly. 



To make appointments to Outside Bodies for 2024/2025. pdf icon PDF 124 KB

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That appointment of representatives on outside bodies, as attached to these minutes, be approved.



To approve the Calendar of Meetings 2024/2025. pdf icon PDF 72 KB

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That the Calendar of Meetings for 2024/25 be approved.



"Making" of the Checkley Neighbourhood Plan following support at referendum pdf icon PDF 301 KB

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Full Council on 28th February 2024 resolved that the Checkley Neighbourhood Plan, as amended, met the appropriate requirements and should proceed to referendum.


1The referendum was held on the 2nd May 2024, with a 88% of those voting, voting in favour of the ‘Checkley Neighbourhood Plan (CNP) becoming part of the Development Plan for that Parish.


Consequently the Checkley Neighbourhood Plan now formed part of the wider Development Plan for Checkley Parish. Regulations stipulate that the Council must formally deem to ‘make’ (adopt) the Neighbourhood Plan within 8 weeks of the date of the referendum.




That the ‘making’ (adoption) of the Checkley Neighbourhood Development Plan as part of the Staffordshire Moorlands District Council’s development plan be confimed.



To answer questions asked under Procedure Rule No. 10, if any. pdf icon PDF 204 KB

Additional documents:


1. Question to the Deputy Leader Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Planning received from Cllr Flunder


“In relation to the UK SPF, what is the number and value of grants that have been distributed across the three towns and rural communities?”




As expected, there has been a lot of interest from across the District in the UKSPF and REPF grants. I am pleased to report that in total, we have approved grants exceeding £500,000 to local businesses and organisations to support a wide range of activities, including local arts and cultural events, supporting businesses in the development of innovative products and services as well as promoting the visitor economy and investment into town centres and high streets. In total, 65 grants have been approved from the two funding streams; 50 from UKSPF and 15 from Rural England.


The distribution of grants has spread to all corners of the District so all of our communities can and will benefit from the investment.  Almost half of the grants (43%) have supported activity in parishes and surrounding villages and the remainder (56%) supported activity in the three main towns of Biddulph, Cheadle and Leek.  There is still funding available so please continue to promote the opportunities within your local communities.


In resposne to supplementery questions the Portfolio Holder confirmed there had been 18 successful grants in Leek, 10 in Biddulph and 9 in Cheadle and that he would seek clearance from the Board to circulate information to stakeholders.


2. Question to the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Environment  received from Cllr Porter


“How successful has the transfer of the SMDC countryside sites been to Staffordshire Wildlife Trust over the last year?




“The transfer of countryside sites to Staffordshire Wildlife Trust has been a successful move. The trust has been excellent in their engagement with Council officers and are helpful, knowledgeable, and quick to respond to requests. The trust has members of staff previously employed by SMDC, which gives them valuable insight into both sides of the agreement, they understand the position and role of the Council, whilst also having knowledge of SWT procedures and access to additional internal resources. Staff also have a wealth of experience on each of the countryside sites, and their many years of working on these has built both practical and theoretical knowledge.


SWT has valuable links with many organisations such as Natural England, The Countryside Alliance, The Open Spaces Society, Ramblers, and The British Horse Society to name just a few and they have consulted with many of these organisations to receive important feedback on current management practices. The trust also has long standing associations with volunteer and community groups and has used these to great effect on the countryside sites in SMDC. One example of this was highlighted in Wetley Moor, where 220 hours of volunteer time contributed to seven hectares of scrub control work. This was undertaken by SWT staff in conjunction with the Churnet Valley volunteer group, the Wilder Neighbourhoods Project, and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.