Venue: The Council Chamber, Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek. View directions
Contact: Linden Vernon 01538 395613 Email:
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item | ||||||
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 415 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 15 May 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Declarations of interest 1. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 2. Other Interests Additional documents: Minutes: The following declarations were made:-
Chairman's or Leader's announcements and correspondence, if any. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman confirmed that he had attended 80 engagements during the year so far and thanked members for attending his charity curry night. The charity wedding fayre would take place on 20 October 2024.
The Leader of the Council welcomed two new officers to the Council, Anna Eastgate, Executive Director (Community Services) and Adrian Marklew, Principal Policy Officer (Communications). The Leader also updated the Council on developments relating to devolution which did not include re-organisation of local government in Staffordshire, the purchase of Cheadle Market and the need to retain Leek Minor Injuries Unit for the local population. |
To consider and debate any recommendations from the Cabinet, Overview and Scrutiny Panels and Committees, if any. Additional documents: |
Audit and Accounts Committee - Annual Treasury Management Report 2023/24 PDF 221 KB Recommendation
That the Annual Treasury Management Report 2023/24 is approved. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Annual Treasury Management Report 2023/24 be approved.
Audit and Accounts Committee - Treasury Management Update PDF 221 KB Recommendation
That Members note the current Treasury Management position at the quarter ended 30 June 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the current Treasury Management position at the quarter ended 30 June 2024 be noted.
Recommendations from meetings in the interim period prior to the Council Meeting, if any. Additional documents: |
Council Meetings Procedure Rules and Delegations to Officers PDF 196 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the revised Council Meeting Procedure Rules and delegations to officers be approved.
Local Government Boundary Review PDF 218 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the intention of the Local Government Boundary Commission for England to carry out a full review of the Council’s electoral arrangements be noted.
2. That a Sub-Committee of the Council be established to co-ordinate liaison with the LGBCE, reporting back to the Cabinet and Council with recommendations.
Local Plan Steering Group Recommendation
To confirm the appointment of the Cabinet member responsible for planning matters in an ex-officio capacity to the Local Plan Steering Group in addition to members and officers appointed by Council on 15 May 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the appointment of the Cabinet member responsible for planning matters be confirmed in an ex-officio (non-voting) capacity to the Local Plan Steering Group in addition to members and officers appointed by Council on 15 May 2024.
Appointment of Substitute Independent Persons PDF 213 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That Miss Victoria Miller and Mr Peter Turner be appointed as substitute Independent Persons. |
Notices of Motion in accordance with Procedure Rule No. 8, if any. Additional documents: |
To answer questions asked under Procedure Rule No. 10, if any. PDF 270 KB Additional documents: Minutes: 1. Question to the Portfolio Holder for Services received from Cllr Bentley
“Could I ask if we can have the same price on annual parking on Well Street car park in Cheadle as the California car park in Leek (e.g. Cheadle £360 cheapest leek cheapest £55) and a 20 mins free parking outside the Post office and bakery on Tape Street car park as a trial?”
“Pricing is set by the Council on an annual basis as part of agreeing the forthcoming year’s Fees and Charges. There is a range of fees based on the usage of the car park, its location, and other factors. The 20 minutes free may be considered as part of the parking review and may be best done as a wider consideration to ensure benefits are maximised across the District.”
In response to supplementary questions the portfolio holder stated that the California Car Park season ticket had been available for a number of years and the cost had increased incremently helping to avoid people parking on residential streets. Charges would be based on what the market dictates and as part of the budget but comparisons could not be made across the three towns as they have their own challenges.
2. Question to the Portfolio Holder for Services received received from Cllr Aberley
“Can the portfolio holder please update full council on the plans and timescales for the forthcoming parking review?”
“The questionnaire to Members that will provide useful information for this was delayed in circulation which has slowed progress on its input to the wider review of car parking. The intention is that the review will conclude before the end of the current financial year.”
In response to supplementary questions the portfolio holder urged councillors to complete the car park survey for their individual wards and the survey was not placed on social media by the Council. Any proposals would be consulted on more widely (e.g. parish councils) on aspects such as overnight parking, community use and season tickets. The did not include charging policy or charging periods which would be an issue for the budget. Timescales for wider consultation would be dependent on the results of the councillor survey.
3. Question to the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Planning received received from Cllr Flunder
“With only about 6 months left, what promotional and supporting advice are the councils re-generation team going to offer local business’s and possibly other community/business groups. To ensure that all the allocated UKSFP funding is spent in the by the deadline in 2025?”
“With just under 6 months remaining the majority of UKSPF funds have now been allocated and provided significant improvements to business, residents, and communities across the whole of the district/Staffordshire Moorlands.
The Regeneration team have just released the final round of business grants to help stimulate growth and innovation, and to drive new employment opportunities and these are being promoted through all of our promotional channels, parishes, towns and partner agencies.
Where original plans ... view the full minutes text for item 28. |
Cllr L. Malyon and Cllr J. Porter - Winter Fuel Payment Given the decision by the Government to stop the winter fuel payments to all but the poorest pensioners, this council urges the Government to:
· Reinstate immediately the winter fuel payment for those pensioners who have lost the benefit through the ‘cliff edge’ nature of the change and yet are still on low incomes.
· Investigate urgently alternative ways of supporting ALL vulnerable people with winter fuel payments, short term and long term, including the potential for creating a social tariff for gas and electricity funded through the profits currently being made by energy companies
Bearing in mind our duty of care to residents, this council must:
· Ensure that all pensioners in the district have information about all other available funds to which they may be entitled, such as pension credits, warm home discounts, Eco Flex, Hug 2, council tax support and others.
· Use all available data to identify those likely to be most disadvantaged and to contact them directly to offer help, including face to face, to complete application forms, particularly those that require online completion.
· Continue its efforts to ensure that Beat the Cold and Staffordshire Warmer Homes work as effectively as possible.
· Continue to use available council funding, such as the Cost of Living Fund, to give assistance to organisations working with vulnerable people needing support with fuel payments through the winter.
Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr. L Malyon
“Given the decision by the Government to stop the winter fuel payments to all but the poorest pensioners, this council urges the Government to:
Bearing in mind our duty of care to residents, this council must:
Cllr J. Porter
“Staffordshire Moorlands District Council believes that cutting the Winter Fuel Payment this winter, with virtually no notice and no compensatory measures to protect poor and vulnerable pensioners, is the wrong decision.
We want the Government to halt their proposed change to the Winter Fuel Payment and think again. Millions of struggling pensioners won’t receive up to £300 they rely on to pay their bills, including around 23,000 local residents across the Staffordshire Moorlands. As many as 2 million pensioners who find paying their energy bills a real stretch will be seriously hit by this cut.
As Martin Lewis, founder of, recently said: "The targeting of Winter Fuel Payments is too narrow with the winter we have coming. Pensioners were already due to get less as this will be the first time since winter 2022 they haven’t got the up to £300 extra winter fuel cost of living top-up.”
There are 3 key groups who will be hit hardest:
Cllr. J Jones - Leek Minor Injuries Unit This Council strongly opposes the
Staffordshire Integrated Care Board's proposals to close the Minor
Injuries Unit at Leek Hospital and to deliver the urgent care
services Leek presently provides as part of a new Urgent Treatment
Cantre located at the Haywood Hospital. The Council considers that retaining and extending the Leek Minor Injuries Unit is the only way adequate urgent medical care can be maintained for the people of the Staffordshire Moorlands.
Additional documents: Minutes: “This Council strongly opposes the
Staffordshire Integrated Care Board's proposals to close the Minor
Injuries Unit at Leek Hospital and to deliver the urgent care
services Leek presently provides as part of a new Urgent Treatment
Centre located at the Haywood Hospital. The Council considers that retaining and extending the Leek Minor Injuries Unit is the only way adequate urgent medical care can be maintained for the people of the Staffordshire Moorlands.”
Having been PROPOSED and SECONDED, upon being put to the vote, the MOTION was CARRIED unanimously in the terms set out above. |
Cllr C. Wood - Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service This council would like the PFCC of Staffordshire and Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service to note as a part of its current consultation that SMDC is gravely concerned about the 3 rider pilot scheme.
SMDC notes that a recent incident led to a crew of 3 entering a burning building to save a casualty. This incident undoubtedly put the lives of the crew at risk and placed firefighters in an impossible situation.
Retained firefighters work in their own communities, they know their neighbours, it is unfair for Staffordshire Fire and Rescue service to put them into these situations when their full-time counterparts wouldn't face such dilemmas.
SMDC would like SFRS to receive this comment as a part of their consultation exercise. Additional documents: Minutes: “This council would like the PFCC of Staffordshire and Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service to note as a part of its current consultation that SMDC is gravely concerned about the 3 rider pilot scheme.
SMDC notes that a recent incident led to a crew of 3 entering a burning building to save a casualty. This incident undoubtedly put the lives of the crew at risk and placed firefighters in an impossible situation.
Retained firefighters work in their own communities, they know their neighbours, it is unfair for Staffordshire Fire and Rescue service to put them into these situations when their full-time counterparts wouldn't face such dilemmas.
SMDC would like SFRS to receive this comment as a part of their consultation exercise.”
Having been PROPOSED and SECONDED, upon being put to the vote, the MOTION was CARRIED in the terms set out above.