Issue - meetings

Corporate Peer Challenge Update

Meeting: 11/06/2024 - Cabinet (Item 2)

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The purpose of the report was for the Cabinet to consider the outcomes from the Corporate Peer Challenge which took place in February 2024.


Options considered:


Not applicable



Cabinet noted the findings from the Corporate Peer Challenge.


Meeting: 22/05/2024 - Resources Overview & Scrutiny Panel (Item 7)

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The Panel considered the outcomes from the Corporate Peer Challenge which took place in February 2024.


The Corporate Peer Challenge process, which was co-ordinated by the Local Government Association (LGA), formed a key aspect of sector-led improvement, and the process was designed to complement and add value to the Council’s own performance and improvement thinking. The Council previously commissioned its first Corporate Peer Challenge in January 2022 in conjunction with its strategic alliance partner High Peak Borough Council (HPBC). Following its completion, the Alliance published the CPC report and action plan for addressing the recommendations made during that CPC.


The Alliance commissioned the LGA to deliver another peer review in 2024,with a scope to review the CPC recommendations made in 2022. However, as the political context of both Councils had changed following the May 2023 local elections, it was also agreed to review the position against the core CPC components.


The peer team’s report was attached at Appendix 1 to the report.


The peer team found that the Alliance was impressive and continued to be effective. The team reported that the key finding from the previous CPC in 2022 that “Both councils can be seen to have been well managed organisations over many years. There is sound financial management and attention is paid to maintaining good governance and to managing risk. Both are performance-focused and can demonstrate the delivery of services that are high performing and low cost, with a value for money focus.” remains true.


The peer team’s made 8 key recommendations to the Council following this CPC which are detailed in section 8.6 of the report. 


Members welcomed the report and commented positively on the outcome of the CPC and thanked Officers for their contribution towards the review. It was the opinion of some members that improvements could be made to communications/engagement and clarity in terms of the Climate Change Action Plan.


Discussion took place around recruitment, career progression and retention of staff and the impact the East Midlands Combined County Authority (EMCCA) arrangements may have on the Staffordshire Moorlands.  The importance of working with partners and monitoring performance by the scrutiny panels was highlighted.


In response to a query in relation to Council controlled companies, the Panel was advised that performance was managed on a daily basis and Commissioning Boards held the companies accountable. Senior Officers also regularly attended scrutiny panel meetings.


RESOLVED: That the Resources & Scrutiny Panel noted the findings from the Corporate Peer Challenge.