21 Cultural Strategy PDF 346 KB
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The Committee considered a report which provided an update on the process to create an Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy and an associated Action Plan for the Borough using the methods outlined in the report. The report also updated members on the plans to create a Cultural Strategy Advisory Group, who will assist in the creation of a Cultural Strategy and Action Plan for the Borough.
Reference was also made to the Conservation Management Plan for Melandra Roman Fort archaeological site as set out in paragraph 7.4 of the report and the ability to tie up other historical sites and assets across the Borough.
Reference was made to the potential life of the Advisory Group, and the view expressed that this group could be the start of a longer term group, to which members were advised that the intention was that this group would eventually evolve into a Cultural Compact. It was requested that the wording in 9.6 of the report or the Terms of Reference of the Advisory Group be amended accordingly.
The view was expressed that the delivery of the plan is ambitious, but there is some bias towards performing arts, to which members were advised that there is flexibility within the process.
1. That the process for the creation of a Cultural Strategy Advisory Group, Cultural Strategy and Cultural Action Plan for the Borough following the approach outlined in the report, be noted;
2. That 3 members of the Committee be appointed to join the Advisory Group on a voluntary basis.